Script to capture data and create statistics from Eversolar/zeversolar Solar Inverters. Includes easy install image files for Raspberry Pi. Working edition since 2012 :-)
My inverters still don't show up in the energy tab in Home Assistant
2024-06-23 09:40:55.728 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity sensor.pv_last_365_days_production_2 (<class 'homeassistant.components.mqtt.sensor.MqttSensor'>) is using state class 'measurement' which is impossible considering device class ('energy') it is using; expected None or one of 'total', 'total_increasing'; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise create a bug report at
My inverters still don't show up in the energy tab in Home Assistant
Logfile: 2024-06-23 09:40:55.728 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity sensor.pv_last_365_days_production_2 (<class 'homeassistant.components.mqtt.sensor.MqttSensor'>) is using state class 'measurement' which is impossible considering device class ('energy') it is using; expected None or one of 'total', 'total_increasing'; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise create a bug report at