solnic / virtus

[DISCONTINUED ] Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
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[performance] Virtus initialisation takes very long time. #230

Closed nglx closed 10 years ago

nglx commented 10 years ago

Virtus seems to be pretty lightweight library but its initialisation time is one of the slowest of all the gems I have in my different apps:

Benchmark taken from bundler require: virtus 0.630000 0.220000 0.850000 ( 0.844830)

I suspect that it might be because of it's modular implementation and lots of requires in lib/virtus.rb. Is there any way to improve it?

mbj commented 10 years ago

Does this count virtus itsself or virtus-and-its dependencies?

nglx commented 10 years ago

Virtus itself. It could be calculated using script similar to

mbj commented 10 years ago

Can you try this one, very ad-hoc but effective?

class Kernel
  alias_method :_virtus_debug_original_requre, :require

  def require(name)
    start =
    puts "#{name} took #{ - start}"

Lets see what file in virtus takes so long!

nglx commented 10 years ago

Got the concept of it, but does it really working with ruby 2.0? Getting 'Kernel is not a class (TypeError)'... changing to module doesn't help much...

mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr Kernel is a module ;) Sorry module Kernel.

mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr mhh, works pretty well for me:

irb(main):001:0> module Kernel
irb(main):002:1>   alias_method :_old_require, :require
irb(main):003:1>   def require(name)
irb(main):004:2>     puts "hello"
irb(main):005:2>     _old_require(name)
irb(main):006:2>   end
irb(main):007:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> require 'set'
=> true
irb(main):009:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> "2.0.0"
irb(main):010:0> RUBY_ENGINE
=> "ruby"
mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr Just remove all my typos in my first code post. Not ready for copy & paste. I do not run all the stuf I post in comments. Shame on me. Hint: requre vs require, first arg of alias_method.

nglx commented 10 years ago

oh was a typo in the alias name... got it. runnning... and....

mbj commented 10 years ago

Ready for copy and paste, does not modify return value and only prints if file is required the first time. Remember this does count cumulative require time if a file requires others.

module Kernel
  alias_method :_old_virtus_require, :require
  def require(name)
    start =
   _old_virtus_require(name).tap do |required|
      puts "#{name} took #{ - start }" if required
nglx commented 10 years ago

Doesn't look that bad:

virtus               ostruct took 7.0e-06
virtus/support/equalizer took 0.000566
virtus/support/options took 0.000485
virtus/support/type_lookup took 0.000458
virtus/model took 0.000419
virtus/extensions took 0.000559
virtus/const_missing_extensions took 0.000255
virtus/class_inclusions took 0.000328
virtus/module_extensions took 0.000415
virtus/configuration took 0.00041
virtus/builder took 0.000572
virtus/builder/hook_context took 0.000368
virtus/class_methods took 0.000372
virtus/instance_methods took 0.000472
virtus/value_object took 0.000437
virtus/coercer took 0.000276
virtus/attribute_set took 0.000748
virtus/attribute/default_value took 0.000325
virtus/attribute/default_value/from_clonable took 0.000323
virtus/attribute/default_value/from_callable took 0.000289
virtus/attribute/default_value/from_symbol took 0.000294
virtus/attribute took 0.002213
virtus/attribute/builder took 0.000912
virtus/attribute/coercer took 0.000341
virtus/attribute/accessor took 0.000511
virtus/attribute/coercible took 0.000262
virtus/attribute/strict took 0.000264
virtus/attribute/lazy_default took 0.000343
virtus/attribute/boolean took 0.000446
virtus/attribute/collection took 0.000747
virtus/attribute/hash took 0.000726
virtus/attribute/embedded_value took 0.00053
mbj commented 10 years ago

Could also be the bundler overhead try: bundle exec ruby -e 'start =; require virtus; p - start' I'm up 18h and cannot come up with better debug vectors (there are better ones!).

mbj commented 10 years ago
nglx commented 10 years ago

Here you are:

bundle exec ruby -e 'start =; require "virtus"; p - start'

ps. 18h up, it's not an urgent issue... :)

dkubb commented 10 years ago

@managr try factoring out the axiom-types initialization by requiring it before virtus, and see if maybe that is the cause of the slowdown.

nglx commented 10 years ago

@dkubb tried that. doesn't seem to help much:

virtus                 0.640000   0.200000   0.840000 (  0.833434)

but a little bit

bundle exec ruby -e 'require "axiom-types"; start =; require "virtus"; p - start'
mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr Can you set up a public repo that replicates your problem? I'll happily clone and debug!

nglx commented 10 years ago

I'm just using this benchmark code

and run it right now on the virtus from:

will be glad to help. Still if you find out that 0.6-0.8 sec is the usual initialisation time for virtus I can probably live with that...

mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr So you are using rails? (Your gist shows) Can you just try to load virtus outside of rails infected environment?

nglx commented 10 years ago

Using rails, but it's pretty much the same without it

ruby -e 'start =; require "virtus"; p - start'
mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr I have 0.22 for virtus. Maybe your machine is just slow? Mutant is 0.5. Unparser 0.28. Adamantium 0.09.

nglx commented 10 years ago

Thanks @mbj. I don't have any decent machine :). That's true, but having almost 100 gems lightweight virtus is the slowest one - that's just odd.

       user     system      total        real
after_commit_queue     0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.001996)
ancestry               0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.004733)
axlsx_rails            0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.006194)
binding_of_caller      0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000013)
bootstrap-sass         0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.004407)
cityhash               0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000018)
font-awesome-rails     0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.003040)

(removing around 80 for convinience)

prawn                  0.240000   0.050000   0.290000 (  0.291219)
sass-rails             0.270000   0.060000   0.330000 (  0.323602)
cancan                 0.310000   0.110000   0.420000 (  0.408611)
axlsx                  0.340000   0.110000   0.450000 (  0.452658)
fog                    0.630000   0.170000   0.800000 (  0.813161)
virtus                 0.610000   0.190000   0.800000 (  0.806407)
nglx commented 10 years ago

But anyway go ahead and close that issue. It's probably the way it should be and it won't prevent me from using virtus :+1: .

mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr How long does rails (and nothing else) take on your machine?

nglx commented 10 years ago

Good question.

ruby -e 'start =; require "rails"; p - start'

comparing to virtus

ruby -e 'start =; require "virtus"; p - start'
mbj commented 10 years ago

@managr I suspect only a subset of rails was loaded, because of autoloads? (I'm not a rails person). But compared to this number virtus looks a littlebit slow. I think @solnic can judge best of virtus initialization time can/should be improved.

solnic commented 10 years ago

hey @managr - virtus.rb requires 36 things. not really my fault that it takes almost half a second on your machine, it's not like we do anything weird here, just simple require statements, that's all. I tried some other gems that I know that require a bunch of stuff and it's as slow as with virtus.

I guess I would accept a patch that adds autoload if that could help anyone.

closing for now.

nglx commented 10 years ago

that seems to be reasonable explanations. thanks guys for taking your time.