solnic / virtus

[DISCONTINUED ] Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
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Virtus 0.5.4 causes rake assets:precompile failure with TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer #295

Closed cromwellryan closed 9 years ago

cromwellryan commented 9 years ago

Latest versions have solved this issue, but for those with legacy dependencies Virtus 0.5.4 and using Ruby 2.0.0.p576 (previous patch levels didn't) causes assets:precompile to fail with:

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer
/Users/ryan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p576/gems/backports-2.6.7/lib/backports/tools.rb:265:in `[]'

backports:265 shows options as a number causing the failure.

Upgrading virtus solves this problem.

cromwellryan commented 9 years ago

Opening and closing so it's found by those googling

eltiare commented 9 years ago

Thank you for this!

januszm commented 9 years ago

Thanks @cromwellryan ! It saved me some time.

gaaady commented 9 years ago

upgrading to virtus 1.0.5 solved it for me