solo-io / gloo-portal-issues

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Timeout option for the autogenerated VirtualServices #130

Closed antonioberben closed 2 years ago

antonioberben commented 2 years ago

portal version 1.1.1 gloo edge version 1.9.0

So far, once you create portals, the VirtualServices are autogenerated.

This, block us to, for example, configure a timeout for the VirtualService as it is possible in Gloo Edge:

This is related to and

Here an example of the accesslogs which shows an UT response flag (Upstream Timeout)

gateway-proxy-5f6d4cf74b-7whft gateway-proxy {"upstreamCluster":"gloo-portal.gloo-portal_gloo-portal","bytesReceived":5,"method":"POST","path":"/","correlationId":null,"startTime":"","protocol":"HTTP/2","duration":15001,"userAgent":"Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36","bytesSent":0,"responseCode":504,"upstreamHost":"x.x.x.x:8080","responseFlag":"UT","upstreamServiceDuration":null}

Notice the duration of 15 seconds which is the value by default.

Thank you

arianaw66 commented 2 years ago

Should be released in v1.2.0-beta3