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Use Http2 for Rest Xds #5344

Open asayah opened 2 years ago

asayah commented 2 years ago

when Envoy starts. it creates a lot of connections when connecting to XDS, causing circuit breakers on the xds to close connection (example: xds fronted by envoy for mtls).

Using Http2/Multiplexing would help in this scenario

sam-heilbron commented 2 years ago

Given that gRPC streams are preferred to RESTful long polling for resource usage, propagation latency and xds-relay does not support REST EDS, how relevant/urgent is this @asayah @chrisgaun ?

There had been a gRPC bug that caused REST to be the default, but this was fixed in a 1.9.0 beta (

chrisgaun commented 2 years ago

They will try to upgrade to 1.8 or 1.9

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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