Closed YannickRiou closed 1 year ago
I tried to create an image using this json :
{ "variables": { "cm4_version": "master_johto", "esp32_version": "master" }, "builders": [ { "type": "arm-image", "iso_url": "", "iso_checksum": "sha256:b5e3a1d984a7eaa402a6e078d707b506b962f6804d331dcc0daa61debae3a19a", "target_image_size": 2000000000, "output_filename": "johto_CM4-{{user `cm4_version`}}_esp32-{{user `esp32_version`}}.img", "qemu_binary": "qemu-arm-static" } ], "provisioners": [ { "type": "file", "source": "./configFiles/", "destination": "/home/pi/configFiles/" }, { "type": "file", "source": "./", "destination": "/home/pi/" }, { "type": "file", "source": "./firstboot.service", "destination": "/etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service" }, { "type": "shell", "script": "./" }, { "type": "shell-local", "inline": [ "./ -v {{user `cm4_version`}} -u yes -g yes --vesp {{user `esp32_version`}}" ] }, { "type": "file", "source": "./buildFolder/", "destination": "/home/pi/buildFolder/" }, { "type": "shell", "script": "./" }, { "type": "shell", "inline": "cd /var/www/enrolapp;composer update" }, { "type": "shell", "inline": "sed -i 's/^CODE_VERSION =.*/CODE_VERSION = {{user `cm4_version`}}/' /home/pi/configFiles/config.ini" } ], "post-processors": [ { "type": "compress", "output": "johto_CM4-{{user `cm4_version`}}_esp32-{{user `esp32_version`}}.gz" } ] }
After booting it on a CM4 (64bit CPU), the OS seems to be 64bit even if the image provided was 32bit (uname says it is aarch64 where it should be armv7l). I think this is because of what QEMU is compatible with. Is this normal ?
I tried to create an image using this json :
After booting it on a CM4 (64bit CPU), the OS seems to be 64bit even if the image provided was 32bit (uname says it is aarch64 where it should be armv7l). I think this is because of what QEMU is compatible with. Is this normal ?