solo-io / sqoop

The GraphQL Engine powered by Gloo
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Clean up help output? #21

Closed christian-posta closed 5 years ago

christian-posta commented 5 years ago

When I sqoopctl --help I see references to Gloo. Is that intended? It might be, but just checking. See the doc for sqoopctl install|uninstall

 sqoopctl --help
As Sqoop features a storage-based API, direct communication with the Sqoop server is not necessary. sqoopctl simplifies the administration of Sqoop by providing an easy way to create, read, update, and delete Sqoop storage objects.

The primary concerns of sqoopctl are Schemas and ResolverMaps. Schemas contain your GraphQL schema; ResolverMaps define how your schema fields are resolved.

Start by creating a schema using sqoopctl schema create --from-file <path/to/your/graphql/schema>

  sqoopctl [flags]
  sqoopctl [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  install     install gloo on different platforms
  uninstall   uninstall gloo

  -f, --file string     file to be read or written to
  -h, --help            help for sqoopctl
  -i, --interactive     interactive mode
  -o, --output string   output format: (yaml, json, table)
      --version         version for sqoopctl

Use "sqoopctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
christian-posta commented 5 years ago

Additionally, we should probably add some helpful guidance for the resolvermap and schema commands

rickducott commented 5 years ago

I will clean up as part of #19

rickducott commented 5 years ago

This is cleaned up