INFO[0000] running unik build args= base=osv force=false host=localhost:3000 language=java mountPoints=[] name=myImage path=./ provider=vmware
INFO[0000] App packaged as tarball: /tmp/sources.tar.gz.109940838
ERRO[0000] build failed: [cmd/build.go:105] building image failed: {[client/images.go:63] failed with status 400: [daemon/daemon.go:468] vmware is not a known provider. Available: vsphere}
Notice how when I specify vSphere as the provider it tells me to use VMware, and vice versa if VMware is specified then vSphere is said to be the correct option. I am very confused, which option should I be using?
I am trying to use the Java example test app provided with this repo to deploy a Unik service, the syntax I am using is:
unik build --name myImage --path ./ --base osv --language java --provider vsphere
unik build --name myImage --path ./ --base osv --language java --provider vmware
Notice how when I specify vSphere as the provider it tells me to use VMware, and vice versa if VMware is specified then vSphere is said to be the correct option. I am very confused, which option should I be using?
On the daemon side I see the following:
I've checked names.go and it seems my syntax and provider options are correct.
Any thoughts?