solodynamo / ng2-search-filter

Angular 2 / Angular 4 / Angular 5 custom pipe npm module to make a search filter on any input, 🔥 1Million+ downloads
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Missing support for tildes/accents #58

Closed Josee9988 closed 4 years ago

Josee9988 commented 4 years ago

If you are filtering by: 'como' and the sentence you are looking for is: 'cómo'. Then it will not trigger that option because it has an 'ó' with an accent.

I know, you can fix it by using something like 'lodash.deburr'. (not spam or anything I'm just a neutral user that would like to use your pipe but as I speak in Spanish and we use this kind of 'accents' I am unable to use it as I would like to.
