solokeys / solo1

Solo 1 firmware in C
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Strategies for unblocking solo on Window 10 >1903 #385

Open riedel opened 4 years ago

riedel commented 4 years ago

Is there any ideas for unblocking the solo on Windows 10?

Windows seems to block all CTAP communication in order to pipe it through windows hello (I guess so that others have the trouble implementing their APIs instead of them needing to push things into standards: smart move, very user friendly way to do corporate fights...)

One idea is using a UsbHID relay as administrator (which seems to be still able to get HID access).

Another Idea would be to open a composite device that exposes exactly the same HID interface under another identifier (is that possible)

My guess is that the alternative API offered by microsoft does not allow many things.

I currently want to use the HMAC-secret extension to get a symetric pass....

aseigler commented 4 years ago

This is the alternative API:

This is what browsers are using.

riedel commented 4 years ago

The state as of now: MS WebAuthn is unlikely to support any vendor extension (the easiest way I guess to implement ones own functions on the hacker solo)

Further it is not supported in libfido2 and only supported with a totally different API in python-fido2. At the same time it only seems available on Windows: this generates a cross-plattform hell.

Further it seems that device/PIN/key management is totally left to the Windows Hello UI.

After checking the API header: it seems that hmac-secret can only be created but not used as assertion (Can someone confirm this).

In the end it seems there is a situation where there is no major advantage over using the TPM with the fingerprint. A sad situation.

My1 commented 4 years ago

yeah w10 is a bit annoying with that.

while it isnt entirely unreasonable to have the OS guard the fido device as some kinda "trusted place", the trust I give MS is borderline zero, and when it blocks functionality it gets annoying, but yeah as far as I know the only way of having it on later w10 is admin.