solokeys / solo1

Solo 1 firmware in C
2.28k stars 273 forks source link

Fix minor typos #605

Closed taivlam closed 2 years ago

taivlam commented 2 years ago
nickray commented 2 years ago

The final verdict isn't actually out on what a "SoloKeys device" is supposed to be spelled like ;) But I'll take it for the recv expansion :) Thanks!

taivlam commented 2 years ago

Honestly, a small partial reason was to discover how "SoloKeys device" is spelt - though not the most pressing matter ever. In the meanwhile, I'll patiently await for the official answer when it's ready...

nickray commented 2 years ago

"Solo key" or just "Solo" is quite common, in the sense that SoloKeys is the make (creator/company/organization), Solo (1 or 2) is the model, and "key" is a somewhat redundant filler word (like PIN "number"). If you want to go formal, something like "SoloKeys Solo 1" ;)