solokeys / solo2-cli

Solo 2 library and CLI in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Add "dependency CCID is not satisfied" error message #94

Open kerkmann opened 1 year ago

kerkmann commented 1 year ago

Adding my two cents to the repository. :3

The error code isn't helpful at all, the error 0xA1 and 0xA4 means that the CCID capability is missing.

See #32 for more information

kerkmann commented 1 year ago

@nickray @conorpp Is there a reason why there is NO activity?

I understand that this PR or the PR from @b-reich (update readme with packaging status) isn't very big/important. But what I don't understand is, why there is no feedback, no activity nothing...

I've criticized that in the discussion with other people, there are people out there who would contribute freely to FOSS-projects (including me). I would also contribute with much more complicated code, to help out. But I don't understand why there is often the complete silence around you...

Sorry to be so mean, but for me, that's not how FOSS is working ... Or should work, you should work WITH the community, and not silently work in your kitchen and make it publicly. Of course, you can do design decisions, and it's your right to say "sorry, we don't want to have that PR in our code", but ghosting people are not very polite and is against the main idea of FOSS. ^^"