Open solomonxie opened 5 years ago
➢ Personal Data Management
No need for Frontend design, it's supposed to be a completely copy from Spotify.
[Display, Play, Add, Delete, Export, Sync, Import, Export]
[Display, Play, Add, Delete, Export, Sync, Export]
[Display, Play, Add, Delete, Export, Sync, Export]
[Display, Play, Add, Delete, Update, Import, Export, Sync]
[Display, Play]
[Display, Play]
[Display, Play]
[Display, Play]
[API Fetching]
[Tagging, Relating]
[Tagging, Relating]
[Tagging, Relating]
[Tagging, Relating]
Instead of directly extract data from database to Jinja2 Templates,
it's more flexible to make data as RESTful API
When the frontend requires some data, like an album, the program will first check whether the data already exists in the database on server. If not, it'll then request Spotify API, MusicBrainz API and other APIs. What it does next is doing both saving retrieved new data and also presenting it to the user.
This API only response data from CURRENT User Library. Data will be returned in JSON format.
Entry points:
: Return a list of user's Liked Tracks./artists
: Return a list of user's Followed Artists./albums
: Return a list of user's Saved Albums./playlist
: Return a list of user's Saved Playlists.Init/Update User Library Flow:
@1 Fetch User full data from Spotify API
->@2 Process retried data
->@3 Save to Local Spotify Library
->@4 Cross searching MusicBrainz Library
@5 Save to User Library
.User Library API:
@1 API Entry point
-> @2 Get LIST from User's library
-> @3 Check information from Local Public Library for each item in the LIST
-> @4 If not exists, RETRIEVE each item's data from Provider's Web API
-> @5 Process retried data
-> @6 Save to Local Public Library
-> @7 Return to client
.User flow:
Tagging flow:
Spotify really annoys me out by connecting issues through vpn. Well, not really spotify's fault. And not having premium membership of Spotify annoys me out too. Well again, not really spotify's fault.
All this and that, just makes me thinking, "What if I can just have a music player plays local mp3 files and performs as good as spotify?"
Well, it can be on cloud as well. I can either store music files on local iphone, or remote cloud server. That's not a big deal.
The thing is, how to perform good SUGGESTIONS for limited songs I have, say about 2000 songs (10GB).
Actually, Spotify might not play for me 2000 of songs, he just got enough informations about songs, and can suggest me good songs.
So if I trained my SUGGESTION SYSTEM well, I don't need to have many songs and still get the most out of it.
or Spoilfy
@Nov 8, 2018在自己的服务器上建立一个类似Spotify的在线听歌网站,像Emby一样的服务器,但是和Spotify更贴合。
利用Spotify API,读取用户的所有信息,备份到自己的服务器,生成和SPotify一样的界面。一边提供了备份的功能,一边提供在线听歌。
来源问题: Spotify API其实提供每首歌的30秒预览,足够一般浏览了,这样能够快速填充实际内容。 然后再配合本地歌曲库来补充,那么就非常完善了。 也就是说,本地有的,直接听全曲。本地没有的,提供30s预览,并提示用户自行去下载(提示需要下载的artist和album),并提供youtube搜索结果链接。
推荐问题: 推荐其实也不需要自己构建了,API中有Recommandation,和主页的大众推荐。那么就相当于Spotify的所有功能都有了。
家庭音乐共享到公网: 数据库存在本地的Webdav中,配合frp连接,公网服务器建立一个网页,读取家里音乐库,这样就达成了统一。
Youtube等歌曲来源问题,可以通过这个库解决:Track Connectors
参考项目Github:metabrainz/mbspotify 数据下载位置:
id mbid spotify_uri cb_user is_deleted
264555 258a2f31-21fe-4bf9-b254-12a09120a034 spotify:album:70yMNdgyIj9SrQXFmdJKx9 49f6627d-ebb2-49cf-86ec-c25529d71e6d
264705 cac0be2c-509f-40a9-b1ac-a70aa2243a54 spotify:album:5hB4jVN4ZHpubyiMmW81K1 67f6f0f4-436f-4c77-8b53-9773f89ed2f5
It could either be relational database or NoSQL database.
Here is the basic structure of the databases.
{uid, uname, ...}
{id, uid, host_id, {auth}, ...}
-> 3rd party Provider's login info(JSON){tid, uid, name, recentPlayDate, playedCounts, rate, memo}
{abid, uid, title, likedDate, memo}
{atid, uid, name, likedDate, memo}
{plid, uid, title, info, createDate, [tids], memo
{id, uid, [tids], [abids], [atids], [plids], rcm_date}
-> Multiple recommends{host_id, host, info, uri, {auth}, ...}
{tid, spotify_id, musicbrainz_id, itunes_id, [fids], ...}
-> Extensible Fields{abid, spotify_id, musicbrainz_id, itunes_id, ...}
-> Extensible FieldsFile System: Webdav, Google Drive, Dropbox
-> Sqlite
{id, tid, path, {file_infos}, {tags}, ...}
{id, path, ...}
Independent Libraries explanation:
User library
data tables
Users Data
tables should store personal data, without any detailed music information, that being said, it only store "pointers" to "Mappings", etc., u_Tracks.tid -> mp_Tracks.tid ->,
is the ESSENTIAL MIDDLE LAYER to connect User data with variant providers' database. This layer makes libraries independent to each other and highly extensible.Public libraries
are independent libraries from different providers, such as Spotify, MusicBrainz. No personal data should "pollute" public libraries, so to keep it easy to extend, update.
Mapping Public Library
is a stand-alone database gathers the mapping rules and can be shared to the public. This library won't collect any user data, but only mapping rules of tracks, albums, artists between different providers.~u_sources
is the User data table to store pointers
to specific Public libraries and specific resources, such Spotify's albums, MusicBrainz's tracks.
is the essential middle layer to connect User data with variant providers' database.~
~In the table u_sources
stands for "Source Type" , takes value of "Track, Album, Artist, Playlist";
stands for Source Host
, such as Spotify, MusicBrainz, Youtube;
stands for Uncertain ID
, which takes value of id pointing to the related table's id, such as "[Org]Spotify's [Type] Track table's [xid] track_id".~
Work Flow: When new song is fetched, it'll be processed and will be persistent in database, and it won't be deleted when user delete his own liked songs. As this will allow database of music to consistently grow.
Object-Relational-Models, which are the Coding "classes" referring to "tables" in databases.
{Class: Song}
class Song:
gene = {}
resources = []
def addResource(resource):
r = resource(self.sid)
if r:
def save():
# save data to Database
for r in self.resources:
{Class: Album}
class Album:
aid = ''
arts = ''
name = ''
desc = ''
{Class: Recource}
Base class:
class Resource:
def __init__(sid):
def save():
Child class: SpotifyResource
class SpotifyResource(Resource):
def __init__(sid):
def save():
Child class: YoutubeResource
class YoutubeResource(Resource):
def __init__(sid):
def save():
{Class: ResourceProcessor}
The core idea is simple:
One real existence, can have multiple identities, or located in multiple providers.
In this case, the Real Existence
would be referred to Track / Album / Artist / Playlist
and they might exist with different identities: Spotify's resource, MusicBrainz's info, Local file...
Spoilfy的目标是实现个人音乐的私有云系统。 解决方案: 实现的基础是将互联网各大主流音乐平台的Track/Album/Artist进行匹配映射,并提供一个统一的ID,然后将个人在各个平台上的收藏历史记录导出并与ID挂钩。在实现映射的基础上,对个人的音乐收藏历史进行长期稳定的管理,并能实现个人收藏的自动资源搜索及自动下载。此基础上更能开发为个人音乐云盘,随时随地访问。 实现方法: 首先通过互联网各大主流音乐平台的官方或开源WebAPI将个人账户的收藏历史导出为JSON文档。然后通过后台建立的ORM映射到数据库。再用A平台的每首歌、每个专辑、每个音乐家的信息到B平台进行搜索获取对应的ID及详细信息。这样每个资源都有最少两个平台的ID。随着项目支持的平台增加,每个资源的ID身份也增加。此时个人收藏的每个资源,也都具有了“跨平台”能力,意味着当一个平台失效无法访问后,还有其他的平台支持。Spoilfy的重要功能之一,还有将个人所储存的本地MP3文件与互联网音乐平台对应。MP3的信息对应是通过提取文件Metadata与MusicBrainzAPI进行搜索对应。实现了MP3的对应,Spoilfy就具备了个人音乐云系统的基础。由于已有了多平台映射的能力,也就意味着系统能够直接在后台离线下载所有个人收藏音乐的MP3资源。 技术实现: 数据库设计:Spoilfy的数据库已经过了多次重构,主要难题是多平台资源映射问题。目前的方案是:每个音乐平台都创建5个基础表:Account/Tracks/Albums/Artists/Playlists;然后独立出一个References中间表,专门存放每个资源在各个平台的ID映射关系。另一方面,为了减少数据库表的数量和搜索复杂度,项目使用三段式"URI"替代传统的ID,即:"Platform:Type:ID"。同样为了降低复杂度,数据库还全面取消了数据库级的外键限制,改为由程序控制。 核心功能开发:项目基于Python开发的,分4大子模块:WebAPI/ORM/Ops/Mappers。其中WebAPI模块只负责各个音乐平台的信息获取;ORM模块通过SQLAlchemy建立所有表格的ORM模型,并为了增加代码可维护性、降低复杂性,抛弃了SQLAlchemy的Relationship逻辑,使用原始的SQL语句进行高级查询工作;Ops模块负责所有音乐的导入导出、高级查询、建立关联等功能;Mappers负责所有的跨平台映射功能。 应用部署:项目将采用Nginx+uWSGI+Flask的HTTP服务器架构,以达到轻量化目的。为实现用户便捷安装,程序还将打包至Docker镜像中发布。
Gitissues的目标是以Github Issue为基础建立个人博客系统。 WHY: Github Issues具备个人博客的所有条件,更有Ctrl-V一键上传图片;自带评论区等功能。但它没有真正的编辑历史追踪、信息备份、自定义页面等功能。所以决定开发Gitissues。 SOLUTION: 通过Github API和Github Hooks,实现在Issues文章自动获取,并将更新保存到本地Git repo自动Commit/Push。在此基础上,程序将自动生成Jekyll/Gitbook/Readthedoc等静态网站生成器的"Front Matter"以达到个人网站的自动生成。 DEVELOPMENT: 程序基于Python开发,通过Github API将用户的Issues文章下载为JSON原数据,并提取文章及所有元信息。程序会自动解析Markdown格式文章的标题、标签、分类、目录等信息,并生成Front matters。然后自动commit和push更新。
Unified ID
Is your interesting project in pause ?
Is your interesting project in pause ?
Yes at the moment because of the load of works lately. Would like to continue when got more free time ;)
Love this idea