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Linear Algebra Lecture Notes 线性代数课程笔记 #40

Open solomonxie opened 6 years ago

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

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MIT OCW Linear Algebra 18.06


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

TL;DR. Archived link: Vector section notes of Essence Linear Algebra

TL;DR Archived link: MIT OCW Linear Algebra courses list & compare.


▶ Refer to Wiki: List of mathematical symbols

Not Understood Yet

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

What is Linear Algebra

Linear algebra, Matrix algebra, same thing.


Terms sheet


Consistent & Inconsistant

If there IS solution or solutions to a Linear system, then it's consistent. Otherwise, it's Inconsistent.



solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.1 The geometry of linear equations

Refer to the review pdf.

Lecture video timeline Links
Lecture 0:00
Matrix picture 2:47
Row picture 3:41
Column picture 8:41
Matrix picture in 3D 15:26
Row picture in 3D: intersects of planes 17:33
Column picture in 3D 23:11
Permutation Matrix 36:42

"The fundamental problem of linear algebra is to solve n linear equations in n unknowns."


We view this problem in three ways:


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Matrices Elimination

Matrices elimination (or solving system of linear equations) is the very first and fundamental skill throughout Linear Algebra. It's probably the first lesson of all sorts of courses.


Before learning solving systems of linear equations, you really need to get familiar with all the core terminologies involved, otherwise it can be very hard to move on to next stage. And in this case, the best way to learn that is through Wikipedia.

JFR, the core terms are: Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination, Augmented Matrix, Elementary Row Operations, Elementary matrix, Row Echelon Form (REF), Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF), Triangular Form.

「Gaussian elimination」

Refer to wiki: Gaussian elimination

It's a Row reduction algorithm to solve System of linear equations.

Refer to simple wiki: Gaussian elimination Example:

To perform Gaussian elimination, the coefficients of the terms in the system of linear equations are used to create a type of matrix called an augmented matrix. Then, elementary row operations are used to simplify the matrix. The goal of Gaussian elimination is to get the matrix in row-echelon form. If a matrix is in row-echelon form, which is also called Triangular Form. Some definitions of Gaussian elimination say that the matrix result has to be in reduced row-echelon form. Gaussian elimination that creates a reduced row-echelon matrix result is sometimes called Gauss-Jordan elimination.

To be simpler, here is the structure:

And if we make the result only in RREF, so the name of the algorithm could also be called:

「Elementary Row Operations」

Elementary row operations are used to simplify the matrix.

The three types of row operations used are:

Confusing operation: See where the negative sign was put: image


Suppose the goal is to find the solution for the linear system below: image

First we need to turn it into Augmented Matrix form: image

Then we apply Elementary Row Operations, and result in Row Echelon Form: image

At the end, if we'd like, we can further on apply some row operations to get the matrix in Reduced Row Echelon Form: image Reading this matrix tells us that the solutions for this system of equations occur when x = 2, y = 3, and z = -1.

「Row Echelon Form」 vs. 「Reduced Row Echelon Form」

Refer to this lecture video: REF & RREF.

It doesn't really matter it is a Square Matrix or not, there could be a Diagonal or Main diagonal, or you can't draw a diagonal at all. The only thing matters is WHAT ARE ABOVE 1 AND WHAT ARE BELOW 1.


「Augmented Matrix」

Means we put another column into the matrix, which represents the Right side of the system of equations, numbers of right of the = sign.

When we apply elimination to Linear equations, we operate both sides at the same time. But for computer programmes, it often apply to Left side, and remember the operations, a.g. multiply a number or add equations together, when the left side finished then apply the same operations to the right side.


If a given Matrix was told it's an Augmented Matrix, so we have to assume that the Last Column is The Solution Column.


「Equivalent systems」 & 「Equivalent Matrices」


Or called the Cursor, or Basic, or Basic variable.

Refer to this video from mathispower4u.

It means the value that represents the unknown variable in each column. There's no pivot in a column if you can't get a 1 in that column.


「Free variables」

If there's no pivot in a column, that means this unknown variable of the column can be any number, so we call it a free variable.


Pivot columns

The pivots are found after Row Reduction, and then go back to the Original Matrix, the columns WITH pivots are called pivot columns.


「Back substitution」

It's simple: When you solve out one unknown variable in the Linear System, you put the value back to other equations. We call this process as Back Substitution.


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Solving 「System of Linear Equations」[DRAFT]



「Row Echelon Form」


And at this point, x₁(1,0,0) + x₂(0,1,0) + x₃(-1,2,0) = (0,0,0). So for what coefficients of x₁, x₂, x₃ would produce a zero vector? By eyeballing it we could tell, x₁=1 & x₂=-2 would have done.

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

❖ Matrix Multiplication

Refer to this video by mathispower4u


A fairly simple way to remember how to do matrix multiplication: Assume that two matrices multiply together as AB = C. You need to write out each entries of the product, and then place this entry with a row of A and a column of B which numbered as subscriptions of this entry. e.g., in the Product Matrix, C₁₁ represents Row-1 of A multiplies Column-1 of B; C₂₁ represents Row-2 of A multiplies Column-1 of B. So on and so forth, write down all the entries of the product entries, and then use dot product to calculate each one.


「Properties」 of matrix multiplication

Refer to Khan academy article.


「Einstein summation」 convention

Refer to Wiki: Einstein notation image

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.2 Elimination with Matrices

Elimination is the method EVERY softwares use to solve linear equations.


Lecture video timeline Links
Lecture 0:00
Elimination pivots and an example 3:09
Failure of Elimination method 10:34
Augmented matrix 14:50
Operations of matrices elimination 19:24
Row operations of Matrices Multiplication 20:22
Column operations of Matrices multiplication 21:43
Elementary Matrix 24:46
Include all elimination steps in one Matrix 33:29

To do column operations, the matrix multiplies on the right. To do row operations, the matrix multiplies on the left.

「Column operation」 of Matrices Multiplication

Below it's a Column Vector multiplied by a 3x3 Matrix: image

The result above is a 3x1 Matrix, which is a Column vector again. Because:



「Row operation」 of Matrices Multiplication

Below it's a Row Vector to multiply a 3x3 Matrix: image

The result above is a 1x3 Matrix, which is a Row vector again. Because:


「Elementary Matrix」

It's also called Elimination Matrix.

Refer to this amazing good video by Mathispower4u: Elementary Matrices Refer to Mathispower4u: Write a Matrix as a Product of Elementary Matrices

Simply saying, an Elementary Matrix is just an Identity Matrix with ONLY ONE ELEMENT CHANGED.

Elementary Matrix must be ONLY ONE ROW OPERATION away from the Identity Matrix.


The example above is an elementary matrix which only altered the Row-2 Column-1 entry, and we'd like to call it the E₂₁ matrix, which represents the elementary matrix which fixed the 2-1 position.

The reason we need an elementary matrix is to apply each one step of Elimination of linear equations. Which means that,


So for two steps of elimination, we could represent it with elementary matrices as below: image

Combining all elimination steps in ONE MATRIX: image

「Permutation Matrix」

Permutation Matrix is ANOTHER TYPE OF ELEMENTARY MATRIX, and used only to switch positions of elements in the matrix, without changing any numbers.

Review Dr. Strang's lecture.

Example: To switch two ROWS of a matrix by using a permutation matrix : image

Example: To switch two COLUMNS of a matrix by using a permutation matrix: image

Some common 「permutation matrices」


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.3 Multiplication & Inverse Matrices

Prerequisites Links
Matrix multiplication basics(row * col) Note
Elementary matrices Video


Refer to Juanklopper's jupyter notebook.

Lecture timeline Links
Lecture 0:0
Method 1: Multiply matrix by vector 0:50
When allowed to multiply matrices 4:38
Method 2: Multiply matrix by COLUMN 6:12
Method 3: Multiply ROW by matrix 10:04
Method 4: Multiply COLUMN by ROW 11:37
Method 5: Block Multiplication 18:25
Inverse Matrices (Square matrices) 21:15
Invertible Matrix 22:00
Singular Matrix (No-inverse matrix) 24:39
Calculate Inverse of Matrix 31:52
Gauss-Jordan Elimination to solve Inverse of a matrix 35:20

Method 1: Multiply 「matrix by vector」

Calculation of an entry of the Product Matrix.



Method 2: Multiply 「matrix by COLUMN」

Each column of the product matrix C, is Matrix A * Column of B.


Method 3: Multiply 「ROW by matrix」

Each row of the product matrix C, is Row of A * Matrix B.


Method 4: Multiply 「COLUMN by ROW」


「Dot product」



Method 5: 「Block multiplication」

You can cut each matrix to blocks, each block is no necessary to be equal sized as long as they can match each other well.


After you cut matrices into blocks, the multiplication will just be like a smaller matrix multiplication: Each block can be seen as a number in a matrix.


「Inverses」 (Square matrices)

If a matrix's inverse exists, then we call this matrix Invertible, or Non-singular.

And only with square matrices, the inverse can be both right side or left side with the original matrix to produce the Identity Matrix.


「Singular Matrix」 (No inverse)

Simplest way to tell if it's a singular matrix is to calculate its Determinant which we learnt in high school: It's a singular matrix if its determinant is ZERO. But there's another way to tell:


Use 「Gauss-Jordan Elimination」 to get Inverse


Refer to Khan academy lecture: Inverting a 3x3 matrix using Gaussian elimination.

Online Calculator.

Practice for Gauss-Jordan Elimination to get Inverse of a matrix:


With this formula above, we got TWO equations, which will help us form a system of equations! That's where Gauss comes in: we AUGMENT TWO COLUMNS to the matrix.


Why could we use Gauss-Jordan Elimination to solve Inverse of matrix?


The E above represents all elementary matrices.

Refer mathispower4uFor for refreshing on: How to get elementary matrices


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.4 Factorization into A = LU

Prerequisites -- | Matrix Inverses | Matrix multiplication | Elementary Matrix | Permutation Matrix |


Lecture timeline Links
Lecture 0:00
What's the Inverse of a Product 0:25
Inverse of a Transposed Matrix 4:02
How's A related to U 7:51
3x3 LU Decomposition (without Row Exchange) 13:53
L is product of inverses 16:45
How expensive is Elimination 26:05
LU Decomposition (with Row exchange) 40:18
Permutations for Row exchanges 41:15

"A = LU is the BIG FORMULA for elimination. It's a great way to look at Gaussian Elimination."

What's the 「Inverse of a product」

Assume A & B are all invertible matrices, so what is (AB)⁻¹?

Yes, we multiply their inverses together A⁻¹ & B⁻¹, but in what order do we multiply these inverses? IN REVERSE ORDER. Which makes: (AB)(B⁻¹A⁻¹) = 𝐈 or (B⁻¹A⁻¹)(AB) = 𝐈. They perform in the same way get the same result.

image so:

(AB)⁻¹ = (B⁻¹A⁻¹)

Inverse of a 「Transposed Matrix」


So the Inverse of (Aᵀ)⁻¹ = (A⁻¹)ᵀ

「LU Decompose」 (without Row Exhcnage)

"L is the product of Inverses."

L = E⁻¹, which means L is the inverse of elementary matrix.


Assume in the elimination process without row exchanges, we only apply elementary matrices to the matrix one by one. So the L would be the Inverse of those elementary matrices, but in Reverse order.


EA = U
A = LU


So that steps above is the Inverse Elementary Matrices picture of getting the L. But actually what actually we get is really simple to observe: If no row exchanges, multipliers go directly into L.

So as we've understood the meaning behind it, we can forget it and just remember the multipliers.

Row exchanges with 「Permutations」

For LU Decomposition, although we can't represent row exchanges with Elementary Matrices, but we can do it with Permutation matrices.

For a 3x3 Identity Matrix, there're 6 permutations of it: image

The Inverse of a Permutation is its Transpose:


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

LU Decomposition [DRAFT]

For a Matrix A, we could factor it out as A = LU, just like we factor a number to two numbers.

Online LU Decomposition Calculator


「Upper Triangular Matrix」

The factor matrix U represents the Upper Triangular Matrix, which we're already familiar with: the matrix we've got after Gauss Elimination.

Refer to video: LU Decomposition using Gaussian Elimination


「Lower Triangular Matrix」

The factor matrix L is not hard to get as well: All the numbers in this matrix are factor numbers we used in each elimination step.


How to get the 「Lower Triangular Matrix」

Refer to this video: LU Decomposition - Shortcut Method by Math is power

Solve 「System of equations」 using 「LU Decomposition」

The final goal of learning LU Decomposition is to solve Linear systems.

Refer to this video: Solve a System of Linear Equations Using LU Decomposition

Assume there's equation AX = B as below, and we're to solve for X: image

Steps to apply the LU Decomposition to solve the Linear System:

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.5 Transposes, Permutations, Vector Spaces Rⁿ

Lecture timeline Links
Lecture 0:00
Permutations 1:17
Possibilities of permutations 7:23
Transposes 10:15
General formula for transpose 11:38
Symmetric matrices 12:43
RᵀR is always symmetric 15:06
Chapter 3: Vector spaces 20:12
What "space" means 22:03
Why is Origin necessary in Vector spaces 25:33
Most important thing about Vector space 28:29
A case that's not a Vector space 29:41
All possible subspaces in R² 35:54
All possible subspaces in R³ 39:04
Subspaces come out from Matrices: Column Space 39:45


"Permutation executes Row exchanges."

For LU Decomposition the A = LU DOESN'T work with Row exchanges, so we change it to:


# P = Permutation Matrix = Identity Matrix with Reordered rows

Which apply row exchanges to matrix A into the right order (for pivots), then decompose it.

「Permutation」 properties

Possibilities of Permutations of nxn matrix = n!

P⁻¹ = Pᵀ
PᵀP = 𝐈


The way to do a transpose is just SWITCH ENTRIES.


Remember: intuitively the matrix is NOT Rotating to be a transpose, but Flipping by the Diagonal of the matrix. Which means the entries on the DIAGONAL maintain the same. 200px-matrix_transpose

Properties of 「Transposes」


Special 「transpose matrices」

There're some well-known matrices are defined by their Transpose.


「Symmetric matrices」

It means the transpose of the matrix doesn't change it.

#symmetric matrix
Aᵀ = A

Given any matrix R (not necessarily square) the product RᵀR is always symmetric, because after transposing it's still the same:

(RᵀR)ᵀ = Rᵀ(Rᵀ)ᵀ = RᵀR

# Note: (Rᵀ)ᵀ = R, and matrix multiplications is from right to left.

「Vector spaces」

Most important thing about 「vector spaces」

We can do operations to any vector and still in the same space. We can add or scale or combine any R² vectors and we're still in R² space.

In another word, if you do some additions or scalings to a vector but turns out it jump out of the space, then It can't be a vector space. e.g., take the positive part of R² as a space, if we do additions to the vectors in it they will still be positive. BUT, if we apply a negative scalars to vectors, they will come out of the positive space. So it's not a Vector space.


Rules of 「Vector spaces」

Refer to video by TheTrevTutor: Vector Spaces



If a Vector space is INSIDE of a Vector space e.g. R², we call it The Subspace of R².

All Subspaces of R² All Subspaces of R³
The whole R² space The whole R³ space
- Any plane goes through the Origin (0,0)
Any line goes through Origin (0,0) Any line goes through Origin (0,0,0)
The Zero vector itself (𝐙) The Zero vector itself (𝐙)

Remember the NO.1 rule of a Subspace: ALL VECTOR COMBINATIONS FORM A SUBSPACE.

Three rules of Subspace:

「Column Space」

Column space is a special kind of subspace, which comes out of matrix.

image image

Which means the column space of a matrix only have 3 vectors: 2 column vectors and a Zero vector, and the Column space(their linear combinations) forms a 2D plane.

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

MIT OCW 18.06 SC Unit 1.6Column Space and Nullspace


Lecture timeline Links
Lecture 0:00
What are Vector spaces 1:05
Subspaces of R³ 2:33
Is the union of two subspaces a Subspace? 4:23
Column space 11:36
Features a Column space 14:46
How much smaller is the Column space? 15:48
Does every Ax=B have a solution for every B? 16:17
Which Bs allow the system of equations solved 19:39
Null space 28:12
Understand what's the point of a Vector space 40:24

Is the union of two subspaces a subspace?


How to form a Column space

For a 3x3 matrix, image We pick out three Column Vectors, and take all their Linear combinations, then we formed a Column space.

Definition: Column Space of A is all Linear combinations of A's columns.

Does every 「Ax=B」 have a solution for every 「B」?

NO! Not always, but sometimes.

"The system of linear equations Ax = b is solvable exactly when b is a vector in the column space of A"

Null space 「Ax=0」


"If you give me a Matrix A, and let me to find N(A). Literally my goal is to find the set of All x's satisfied the equation Ax=0."

Refer to Khan academy lecture Refer to this video explanation by TheTrevTutor


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

❖ 「Scalar Projection」 & 「Vector Projection」

Refer to the note in Pre Linear algebra about understanding Dot product.

Assume that the vector w projects onto the vector v. Notation:

Notice that: When you read it, it's in a reverse order! Very important!

Projection 「Formula」

Note that, the formula concerns of these concepts as prerequisites:


How to calculate the 「Scalar Projection」

The name is just the same with the names mentioned above: boosting.

Componentᵥw = (dot product of v & w) / (w's length)

Refer to lecture by Imperial College London: Projection Refer also to Khan academy: Intro to Projections

What if we know the vectors, and we want to know how much is the Scalar projection(the shadow)? Example: image How we're gonna solve this is: We know the vectors, so we can get their dot product easily by taking their linear combination; and we know the length of each vector, by using Pythagorean theorem; and then we get the projection, as in the picture.

How to calculate the 「Vector Projection」

It's another idea for projection, and less intuitive.

Remember that a Scalar projection is the vector's LENGTH projected on another vector. And when we add the DIRECTION onto the LENGTH, it became a vector, which lies on another vector. Then it makes it a Vector projection.

It can be understood as this formula:

Projectionᵥw = (Componentᵥw) * (Unit vector of v)

But usually we write it as this: image


Refer also to video for formula by Kate Penner: Vector Projection Equations Refer to video by Firefly Lectures: Vector Projections - Example 1

Example: image

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

❖ Change of basis

Changing basis of a vector, the vector's length & direction remain the same, but the numbers represent the vector will change, since the meaning of the numbers have changed. Our goal is to calculate the New numbers in the vector in terms of the new basis.

Refer to video by Trefor Bazett: Deriving the Change-of-Basis formula

「Projection vector method」 (Only for 90° bases)

The goal is to write a vector in a new basis.

Refer to lecture form Imperial College London: Changing basis


Remember the `Projection

Just to save some words, here's the example and solution:

Example: image Solution: The idea is to take projection of the vector onto both new basis, except it's taking only a part of the projection vector formula. As in the formula below, it only takes the blue squared part as the number of the new vector's component. image

Component V₁ = (V﹒b₁) / |b₁|² = (5*1 + -1*1) / ( √(1²+1²) )² = 4/2 = 2
Component V₂ = (V﹒b₂) / |b₂|² = (5*1 + -1*-1) / ( √(1²+(-1)²) )² = 6/2= 3

V' = (2, 3)

Matrices 「changing basis」

Refer to lecture: Matrices changing basis Refer to video: Change of Coordinates Matrix #2


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

❖ Orthogonal Matrix

It's a Square Matrix consisted with Unit vectors. Usually it's just Identity Matrix.

Refer to Wiki: Orthogonal Matrix. Refer to lecture by Imperial College London: Orthogonal Matrices

「Orthonormal basis」

If two vectors are Unit vectors AND Orthogonal(perpendicular) to each other, they will be called Orthonormal. If they form a set of Basis, they'll be called Orthonormal basis.

Refer to Wiki: Orthonormality

「Transpose」 of Orthogonal matrix

If the Matrix composed with orthonormal basis, then its transpose is its inverse:

Aᵀ = A⁻¹

# which makes this one true as well
AAᵀ = 𝐈
AᵀA = 𝐈

「Determinant」 of Orthogonal matrix

The determinant of an Orthogonal matrix, must be either 1 or -1. The -1 determinant means the matrix was flipped around from originally right-handed to left-handed.

|A| = ±1

The 「Gram–Schmidt process」

" My life would probably be easier if I could construct some orthonormal basis somehow. And there's a process for doing that which is called the Gram-Schmidt process" - David Dye, Imperial College London

Refer to Wiki: The Gram–Schmidt process

How to see this process intuitively? Think about the famous paint The Ambassadors (Holbein) - Wikipedia image The skull in the paint is so hard to recognize because it's in some "funny" basis, we need to transform it into our world basis, the Orthonormal basis, so that we could see it as below: image

How to 「Orthogonalize basis」

Refer to video by Trefor Bazett: Using Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize a basis, Full example: using Gram-Schmidt The geometric view on orthogonal projections


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

❖ Eigen-stuffs [DRAFT]


For a linear transformation, an eigenvector is a vector which, after applying the transformation, stays in the same span.

When we say eigenvectors, we always need to say eigenvectors of a linear transformation. It's the same with determinant of linear transformation.

How to calculate the Eigenvectors


「Diagonal Matrix」

A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zero.


Imagine we are applying a Transformation matrix many many times, if we follow the basic Matrix Multiplication rule that will be a shit ton of calculations. But Diagonal matrix rule save us out.


「Eigenbasis」 & 「Diagonalization」

Refer to lecture: Changing to the eigenbasis

If you're lucky enough, that the Transformation Matrix is a Diagonal matrix, then when you're raising powers to the Matrix, you just need to simply raise power to the Diagonal elements.

If you aren't lucky, that the Transformation Matrix isn't a Diagonal matrix, then we're gonna do Eigen-Analysis, which means:

  1. we're to change our basis to make the Transformation Matrix to a Diagonal matrix,
  2. then raise power to it,
  3. finally transform the result matrix back to original basis again.

The steps will be like:


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Book: Linear Algebra for Machine Learning (Jason Brownlee)

"Linear algebra is a pillar of machine learning." - Jason

Check THIS LINK for reading book: Jason-Brownlee-Basics-for-Linear-Algebra-for-Machine-Learning-Discover-the-Mathematical-Language-of-Data-in-Python-2018

Linear Algebra Is Important in Machine Learning


Study Linear Algebra Too Early


Study Too Much Linear Algebra


Study Linear Algebra Wrong


A Bette Way To Study Linear Algebra


What will be learnt in this book

Types of Matrices

  1. Square Matrix
  2. Symmetric Matrix
  3. Triangular Matrix
  4. Diagonal Matrix
  5. Identity Matrix
  6. Orthogonal Matrix

Matrix Operations

  1. Transpose
  2. Inverse
  3. Trace: Gives the sum of all of the diagonal entries of a matrix
  4. Determinant
  5. Rank: To estimate of the number of linearly independent rows or columns in a matrix.

Sparse Matrix

Matrices that contain mostly zero values are called sparse, distinct from matrices where most of the values are non-zero, called dense.

Very large matrices require a lot of memory, and some very large matrices that we wish to work with are sparse. In practice, most large matrices are sparse — almost all entries are zeros.

Matrix Decompositions

image image

Most common types of matrix decomposition:

LU Decomposition

The factors L and U are triangular matrices. The factorization that comes from elimination.

LUP Decomposition


QR Decomposition

image image image

Cholesky Decomposition

The Cholesky decomposition is for square symmetric matrices where all values are greater than zero, so-called positive definite matrices. image Where L is the Lower triangular matrix, and Lᵀ is its transpose. Or image Where U is the Upper Triangular matrix, and Uᵀ is its tranpose.


Eigendecomposition of a matrix is a type of decomposition that involves decomposing a square matrix into a set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. One of the most widely used kinds of matrix decomposition is called eigendecomposition, in which we decompose a matrix into a set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

image image

Not all square matrices can be decomposed into eigenvectors and eigenvalues

The parent matrix can be shown to be a product of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues: image image

Almost all vectors change direction, when they are multiplied by A. Certain exceptional vectors x are in the same direction as Ax. Those are the “eigenvectors”.

image image

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

The Singular Value Decomposition is a highlight of linear algebra.

image image image

The singular value decomposition (SVD) provides another way to factorize a matrix, into singular vectors and singular values. The SVD allows us to discover some of the same kind of information as the eigendecomposition. However, the SVD is more generally applicable.


image image

Dimensionality Reduction


solomonxie commented 5 years ago

More intuitive way to think of vector, matrix, tensor:

Imagine a rectangle:

solomonxie commented 5 years ago

Notes on Chapter 2 of Math for Machine learning

Types of Vectors:


Mathematical "closure":

Mind map of some concepts:


Properties for Matrix Multiplication:


Analytic geometry


solomonxie commented 5 years ago