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Bible Questions in Short Answer 圣经疑难问题简答 #47

Open solomonxie opened 6 years ago

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Anti-TLDR, Try to answer bible questions in short, avoiding explaining too much

Online Resources

solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Q: How does the Bible describe about Higher dimensions?

Short answer


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Q: Did God limit man’s life to 120 years?

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

Short answer

No. Based on the context, it's very much more likely to say that God will not endure the corrupted human on earth AT THAT TIME, so God decided to eliminate them in 120 years.


solomonxie commented 6 years ago

Q: Can a Christian lose salvation

Short answer

No. A Christian can not lose salvation. But, the problem is that Are you a real Christian? “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16).

And another problem is that, even if you can't lose salvation, but God will destroy you in your current life as a consequence to your sin.


solomonxie commented 6 years ago





华贤: 不是无用功,恶人也不能未犯律法就杀的,不教而诛谓之虐,神给灭亡者同等听福音的机会,他的拒绝证明他真该灭亡,这才是公平。 所以人听福音,两种选择,要么使自己得救,要么给自己定罪,彰显神的慈爱也好,公义也好,都有价值。

我: 想起了圣经中每次神施行惩罚前也都是先有警告和劝告的

我: 受到启发,我的理解是:即使假设上帝有必能使你得救的方法,并且施行到你身上让你信主,那么你还是不能被称为有完全的自由意志,而是个可被操控的意志。如果给你的不是真正的、不被操控的自由意志,那么当初在伊甸园设立的智慧树也就没有意义。 另外,被操控和被干扰是有区别的:傀儡是被操控,操控者有完全的控制权(100%能拯救的方法等同于完全的操控法);被干扰是一直存在的,从伊甸园的蛇开始直到现在都存在干扰,但是却没有夺取你自主选择的权利。

华贤: 得救是神对人自由的干预,因为有重生。灭亡是却恶人的自由选择。所以得救的要感谢神,灭亡的是自取灭亡。