soluble-ai / kubetap

Kubectl plugin to interactively proxy Kubernetes Services with ease
Apache License 2.0
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gRPC #4

Open Eriner opened 4 years ago

Eriner commented 4 years ago

Feature Description

Tap gRPC Services.

To be useful, this needs to provide a proxy flow list and the ability to replay individual requests. As far as I know, this tool doesn't exist. There is grpcurl, but this doesn't provide proxy flow-through.

Proposed Solution

I was originally going to use this proxy library here, by @mwitkow, but that library doesn't really solve the use case of needing to define custom handlers.

Instead I may make my own tool, as the correct solution here is to convert gRPC to JSON and present an API for interception and modification. I can create a shitty web UI on my own, but down the road help will be much appreciated in this regard.

petemounce commented 4 years ago

There are some options from that might fit, here.