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Remove redundant final modifier from private methods #850

Closed mches closed 4 days ago

mches commented 1 week ago

Identifies an opportunity to remove the redundant final modifier from private methods (i.e. failing test). Fixes the newly failing test. (TDD)

Note the final keyword is not redundant on a non-private static method.

Expands the test case for issue #846, increasing the confidence in merged PR #848 and future refactoring.

mches commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the thoughtful review. I'll get it cleaned up.

blacelle commented 1 week ago

Could you add a small comment in the code (1 line)and a secomment line with the url?

If you have a good link for the non static case it would also be helpful (as I was unsure overriding was also unavailable from another nested class).


mches commented 1 week ago

Could you add a small comment in the code (1 line)and a secomment line with the url?


mches commented 1 week ago

Ready for another pass

blacelle commented 1 week ago

(CircleCI is now properly configured for forked-PRs. Nice.)

mches commented 6 days ago

What do you think of this simplification? It considers the modifier keyword first rather than last. Do you find it easier to reason about?

    @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.CognitiveComplexity", "PMD.NPathComplexity" })
    protected boolean processNotRecursively(NodeAndSymbolSolver<?> nodeAndSymbolSolver) {
        Node node = nodeAndSymbolSolver.getNode();
        if (!(node instanceof Modifier)) {
            return false;
        var modifier = (Modifier) node;

        if (modifier.getParentNode().isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        var parentNode = modifier.getParentNode().get();

        switch (modifier.getKeyword()) {
        case ABSTRACT:
            return isImplicitlyAbstract(parentNode) && removeModifier(modifier);
        case FINAL:
            return isImplicitlyFinal(parentNode) && removeModifier(modifier);
        case PUBLIC:
            return isImplicitlyPublic(parentNode) && removeModifier(modifier);
        case STATIC:
            return isImplicitlyStatic(parentNode) && removeModifier(modifier);
            return false;

    private boolean isImplicitlyAbstract(Node node) {
        return isInterfaceLike(node)
                || (node instanceof MethodDeclaration || node instanceof AnnotationMemberDeclaration)
                        && node.getParentNode().filter(this::isInterfaceLike).isPresent();

    private boolean isImplicitlyFinal(Node node) {
        return node instanceof EnumDeclaration || node instanceof RecordDeclaration
                || node instanceof FieldDeclaration && node.getParentNode().filter(this::isInterfaceLike).isPresent()
                || node instanceof MethodDeclaration && ((MethodDeclaration) node).isPrivate();

    private boolean isImplicitlyPublic(Node node) {
        return node.getParentNode().filter(this::isInterfaceLike).isPresent();

    private boolean isImplicitlyStatic(Node node) {
        // interfaces and annotations are implicitly static
        return isInterfaceLike(node)
                // enums are implicitly static
                || node instanceof EnumDeclaration
                // records are implicitly static
                || node instanceof RecordDeclaration
                || (node instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration || node instanceof FieldDeclaration)
                        && node.getParentNode().filter(this::isInterfaceLike).isPresent();
blacelle commented 6 days ago

This looks definitely simpler to read. Could you make this in a separate PR once this one is merged?

mches commented 6 days ago


blacelle commented 4 days ago

(@mches Do you confirm you can merge by yourself?)

mches commented 4 days ago

(@mches Do you confirm you can merge by yourself?)

I see all green checks that it's ready to merge, but I have no write access to merge it myself.

Only those with write access to this repository can merge pull requests.