som1990 / eWave

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Is UE4 uproject available? #2

Open siditious opened 3 years ago

siditious commented 3 years ago

This is a really cool project, was curious if you are actively working on it or if the uproject happens to be available somewhere?

som1990 commented 3 years ago

Hey sorry for the late reply. No idea why I didn’t get any notification for your inquiry . Yes the project is still under development . There are few bugs in the UE4 side in terms of recording stats which crashes the program. I took a break to finish writing my thesis. I’ll release it once I upgrade to the lates UE4 and resolve the crash problem (hoping it gets resolved once I update my plugin to the latest UE4) . I hope to get it out end of the year depending on the time it takes me outside of work

sibo7851 commented 3 years ago

Hey, this is Siditious again, just logged into different account. I am looking forward to it, I'm fairly busy these days as well with work and school but I'm fairly experienced in c++ and UE4 and would be willing to look over it and see if I can't smooth the bugs out. I've ported quite a few c++ plugins in the engine.