somakeit / smib

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PEP-621 - pyproject.toml - DEPENDABOT compatible #138

Open sam57719 opened 3 weeks ago

sam57719 commented 3 weeks ago

Investigate the above

sam57719 commented 3 weeks ago

Quick CHATGPT discussion r.e. PEP621 produced this. Need to test with poetry to see how it behaves

name = "smib"
version = "1.0.0"
description = ""
readme = ""
authors = [
    { name = "sam57719", email = "" }

dependencies = [
    "python ~=3.11",
    "python-decouple ~=3.8",
    "slack-bolt ~=1.18.1",
    "python-dotenv ~=1.0.1",
    "flask ~=3.0.2",
    "simple-websocket-server ~=0.4.4",
    "websocket-client ~=1.7.0",
    "websockets ~=12.0",
    "tornado ~=6.4",
    "injectable ~=3.4.7",
    "apscheduler ~=3.10.4",
    "uvicorn ~=0.29.0",
    "dataclasses-json ~=0.6.4",
    "aiohttp ~=3.9.5",
    "pymongo ~=4.7.0",
    "mogo ~=0.6.0",
    "fastapi ~=0.111.0"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
sam57719 commented 2 weeks ago
