Attached is Rashid's list of projects that were entered with just parent sectors due to an error in the entry page. We need to adjust them to have the child sectors e.g. education, security etc. I have guessed at some of them, but we will also need to contact the projects before making any changes.
Sarah: I had a quick look at the new child sectors in the list, suggesting a few changes.
The police projects should be listed under rule of law, which includes both police and justice.
The loan portfolio guarantee should be listed under energy & ICT. This type of project about encouraging FDI and enabling greater access to finance for SMEs in the renewable energy sector.
The anti-corruption one is tricky, but I’d put it under rule of law mainly because the implementer is the Ministry of Justice. Parent sector will need to be changed to Pillar 2.
The resilience learning activity lists a bunch of sectors. I’d split it evenly across agriculture, education, food security, health, nutrition and water (urban).
The gender project should still be listed under security but apply the gender marker. Gender sector only used for projects that can’t find a sectoral home anywhere else. Priority goes to reporting under the relevant sector.
On the PSDP, let me chat w/ UNIDO about this. It targets productive sectors, so ag/livestock/fisheries, but also support to SMEs. They are super responsive. Can get them to provide the exact breakdown
On the immigration authorities support, in the past we’ve reported this under public administration, but I’ll check with IOM if they have a preference on how to report this going forward.
Attached is Rashid's list of projects that were entered with just parent sectors due to an error in the entry page. We need to adjust them to have the child sectors e.g. education, security etc. I have guessed at some of them, but we will also need to contact the projects before making any changes.
Sarah: I had a quick look at the new child sectors in the list, suggesting a few changes.