someaddons / LootIntegrations

Minecraft mod for intermod loot compatibility
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[Bug]: Datapack fails to validate when adding the custom loot integrations #3

Closed Master-64 closed 1 year ago

Master-64 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug you're experiencing

I added a few loot integration files (whatever you want to call it) and upon adding these to a datapack, all worlds fail to load due to the datapack not being valid.

Due to the lack of documentation and explanation on how this mod works, I am to believe that a crucial step was left out of the example instructions provided on the CurseForge page. I was forced to improvise some steps, so this could be the reasoning behind this not validating. I've made datapacks before but have never seen this error.


Make a datapack and make the directory: "..\data\lootintegrations\loot\" Make a .json which contains said data (this could be the error, but it's not explained anywhere) From within the .json, type this (example w/ raw/no formatting): { "loot_table": "minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft", "max_result_itemcount": 15, "integrated_loottables": { "testdatapack:testloottable/loottable1": 1 } }

Load the game and add in a datapack with this data in it. See validation error.

Mod up to date

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Modloader version



Master-64 commented 1 year ago

Classic instance of 1-character-off error. "integrated_loottables" was supported to be "integrated_loot_tables". Doing this fixed the crash.