someengineering / fixinventory

Fix Inventory consolidates user, resource, and configuration data from your cloud environments into a unified, graph-based asset inventory.
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Google Cloud IAM Permissions #1487

Closed SamCloudbakers closed 1 year ago

SamCloudbakers commented 1 year ago


There is currently documentation for the AWS permissions required to run Resoto but no documentation for the GCP implementation. It would be important to add the required permissions for GCP so we can understand the amount of access to provide the service account it is using.

Desired Behavior

An additional documentation page for Google Cloud permissions is to be created.

Additional Context

No response

aquamatthias commented 1 year ago

@SamCloudbakers Thanks for the ticket. We will come up with the related documentation.

lloesche commented 1 year ago

Hey @SamCloudbakers - we're currently rewriting the entire GCP collector to bring it on par with the AWS collector. Part of that is having each services exact required permissions as part of the collector code so we can auto-generate the documentation for it, like we do for AWS.

Right now to get you started, the APIs the current collector uses are compute, sqladmin, cloudbilling, container and cloudresourcemanager. For resource collection we generally require the get and list permissions for all resources available on those APIs. For updating labels the setLabels and for cleanup the delete permissions. The last two are optional and only required if you plan on using the tag update/delete and cleanup automation functions.

SamCloudbakers commented 1 year ago

@lloesche and @aquamatthias I really appreciate the quick responses on this! I would consider this great news, as it means GCP support is something this product is targeting long-term.

For now - It looks like I can use the pre-defined ".viewer" Role variants for each of the APIs you have listed above.

Thank you!

lloesche commented 1 year ago


it means GCP support is something this product is targeting long-term.

Yes, 100%. To give you some background. I wrote the current version of the GCP collector at my last job to solve the issues we had there. Mainly automated cleanup of old resources and tag (label) validation/correction. As such the current GCP collector only contains the resources and properties that I required back then.

The new collector however contains all resources and all their properties. If you happen to be somewhat comfortable with Python you can check out to track the progress of the new collector and the resources and properties it already contains.

SamCloudbakers commented 1 year ago

Interesting, that makes a lot of sense. We've all developed some Python automation to solve bespoke standardization and janitorial problems at one point or another. That's what really drew me to Resoto was the potential to write those sorts of automation jobs in a standardized framework that I could apply to all of the GCP Orgs I touch day to day.

I'll definitely take a look at some of the code, I'm curious to see how all of this works together.

scapecast commented 1 year ago

@holopin-bot @SamCloudbakers

Thank you for this issue, and the details on your use case! Love your last comment - "janitorial problems" - precisely one of the reasons why we built Resoto!

holopin-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago

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lloesche commented 1 year ago

We are now exporting the required IAM permissions and automatically uploading them to the following URIs in yaml and json format:

resoto_access are the read permissions and mutate are the cleanup/label change permissions.

Once we tag the next release the "edge" part in the URI can also be replaced with the corresponding tag e.g. "3.5.2".