somenonymous / OshiUpload

Ephemeral file sharing engine
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Any form of authentication #12

Open martin-braun opened 1 year ago

martin-braun commented 1 year ago

For a self-hosted solution, I would welcome to have the ability to config several credentials that need to be put in in order to use the website / API. This would also completely solve #9 on private instances.

somenonymous commented 1 year ago

It's a doable idea, but I'll postpone it for now, unless you want to make a PR.

kkarhan commented 1 year ago

Can't said reverse-proxies handle HTTP-AUTH with a simple user/password or token?

This is quite a common approach with a lot of web-based applications and espechally when using ngnix as sanitizer for SQL queries to stop low-level skiddies and bots.

Same with rate-limiting: If I were to seriously host this, I'd propably limit the packet rate or bandwith per connection / IP to something in the ream to 10MBit/s - 100 MBit/s maximum via either the transparent proxy or some MITM "firewall" / "load-balancer" appliance [yes that is ugly but too bad big corporate IT is messy!]...