someone-stole-my-name / yaml-companion.nvim

Get, set and autodetect YAML schemas in your buffers.
MIT License
203 stars 18 forks source link

Adjust examples #40

Open dadav opened 9 months ago

dadav commented 9 months ago

Packer is not maintained anymore and many people switch to other projects. I'm having some trouble getting it to work correctly with

Would be nice to have an example config. I'm also investigating, but maybe someone already has done it...?

dadav commented 9 months ago

Currently I have this:

  -- {
  --   "someone-stole-my-name/yaml-companion.nvim",
  --   ft = { "yaml" },
  --   opts = {
  --     builtin_matchers = {
  --       kubernetes = { enabled = true },
  --     },
  --   },
  --   dependencies = {
  --     { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },
  --     { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
  --     { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
  --   },
  --   config = function()
  --     require("telescope").load_extension("yaml_schema")
  --   end,
  -- },

With comments removed of cause.. But nothing happens.

dadav commented 9 months ago

Got a working example with the help of folke. See