somerandomdude / Iconic

A minimal set of icons in raster, vector and font formats — free for public use.
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I added the script to generate the font files #5

Closed levraipixel closed 12 years ago

levraipixel commented 12 years ago


I added a script like we said before, so that the font files are now generated from the SVG files. To change the result you may take a look at the file and modify the array "letters" that holds all the configuration. You may add / remove / change elements in this one. I think your opinion / experience in choosing characters is better than mine so maybe you could add the missing elements in this array by choosing good characters corresponding to the other SVG files of the "vector" folder.

Please do not hesitate to tell me if something is not clear.

PS: to be able to execute this file you will need python and python-fontforge PPS: I'm working on a Linux env, tell me if it's not working on your Mac or whatever you're using

somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

Thank you so much for all the effort on this! I will be working on integrating this tonight and tomorrow. Quick question, would it be just as easy to bind each icon to the Unicode decimal or hex value? The reason I mention this is that many of the characters I will be binding icons to don't actually have a character associated with them. That being said, that's not a deal-killer.

Thanks again so very much. I'll post updates the second I have them.

somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

I couldn't get it to work on my Mac, but I it's working like a charm on my Ubuntu VM. I'm having a hard time finding fontforge documentation - especially for the 'createChar' method. Any tips?

levraipixel commented 12 years ago

I put the "ord" method but you can change the script to put directly the hex code, see my diff comment.

levraipixel commented 12 years ago

No tips to make it work on Mac since I have no idea about it, but here is the doc I used:

somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

Perfect, I'll get to work translating each icon to the appropriate unicode character. Thanks again for all the help.

On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Yann Hourdel wrote:

I put the "ord" method but you can change the script to put directly the hex code, see my diff comment.

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somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

The Ubuntu VM is working just fine - I'll just keep using that to move forward.

On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Yann Hourdel wrote:

I put the "ord" method but you can change the script to put directly the hex code, see my diff comment.

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