somerandomdude / Iconic

A minimal set of icons in raster, vector and font formats — free for public use.
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Added JSON hash file #7

Closed ianstormtaylor closed 12 years ago

ianstormtaylor commented 12 years ago

The reasoning for this is that some uses of icon fonts don't use ::before and ::after rules. Instead, you might want to inject the actual HTML unicode entity into a span to render it. This is made a lot easier if the font ships with a JSON hash that you can import.

The other thing, which I did not do, is that it might be better if the hash was stored in the font creation folder and generated into the font folders instead. That way you always only have to maintain one copy of the hash.

somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

Hey man, thanks for helping out!

I'll take a look at everything you've brought up tonight and get you a response ASAP. From my brief look, it seems like a much better way to manage it.

Thanks again, I'll be in touch soon.

somerandomdude commented 12 years ago

Hey man, thanks for the patience.

This all looks great. I agree having the font creation scripts pull from the JSON file will work nicely. I will be working to get this into the master branch this week.

Thanks again. I'll make sure you're on the list of contributors.

ianstormtaylor commented 12 years ago

Awesome! glad to help