somesocks / lua-lockbox

A collection of cryptographic primitives written in pure Lua
MIT License
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Is lockbox still looking for maintainers? I'd like to volunteer as a collaborator. #26

Closed greatwolf closed 4 years ago

greatwolf commented 4 years ago

There's some refactors, improvements and optimizations I'd like to contribute to upstream. Also looking to implement sha2_384 and sha2_512 to complement lockbox as well as fixing up and merging in tst's Salsa20 implementation.

tst2005 commented 4 years ago

The salsa20 code is not my work. I just found it. It is the code and repository for mrogaski.

I also found some lockbox-like project :

I dreams of an universal unified crypto lib...

greatwolf commented 4 years ago

kewl, yea I came across those 2 libraries too. plc looks quite promising and I like the way the code looks.

lua-hashings I also looked at, really didn't like the design of it. Two major issues with it:

The first one means on every single bitwise operation, it is going to trigger a meta event. The second one means a lot of string copying around after every hash round iteration since Lua strings are interned and immutable.

Both of these things taken together means lua-hashing's performance is quadratic-like dog slow especially as input gets larger. I am not being obtuse when I say lua-hashing is 50-100x slower than alternative lua implementations -- it's that bad. Certainly not something I would use in production.

somesocks commented 4 years ago

Hi @greatwolf @tst2005, I've sent you both an invitation to become collaborators =)

I haven't forgotten about this package, I'm afraid its just been a busy few years for me. Let me know if you'd like to publish a new rocks version as well, and I'll help out there

greatwolf commented 4 years ago

Will do. Thank you :+1:

greatwolf commented 4 years ago

While you're still here, can you enable travis-ci for lua-lockbox under your account? It shouldn't take more than a couple of clicks.