somini / Pixelvision2

Steam Skin created by Pulseh and continued by Mr Late
273 stars 32 forks source link

Fixed for linux and overlay issues #114

Closed Black4Blade closed 5 years ago

Black4Blade commented 5 years ago

Fix for issue #113 Added new text tweak on request (+8) *Fixed overlay missing links for controller config and force close (we may want to make a icon for it, and place it somewhere else for better looks)

If anyone can just test and make sure it's not creating an issue before merging just to be on the safe side that be good

halbrd commented 5 years ago

Just tried it out in Windows 7 and I don't see any issues. Are there any UI elements in particular that I should check?

Black4Blade commented 5 years ago

The overlay if not on Linux

halbrd commented 5 years ago

image Looks good to me.

Black4Blade commented 5 years ago

Ok then guess will do it... when i get back on PC