somini / Pixelvision2

Steam Skin created by Pulseh and continued by Mr Late
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gamespage_details_subheader - margin fix #37

Open Kuax-Meat opened 9 years ago

Kuax-Meat commented 9 years ago

margin-bottom issues fix.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

I think I edited the margin bottom to be a little larger a while ago so that the black background did not appear too small for games that only show 1 line of information. Even though the margin does not look very even for all cases, I thought it was a decent balance, so I'm not quite sure if this is needed. Have you tested how it looks with varying lines of text other than just the two in your picture (last played and hours played)?

somini commented 9 years ago

@CaptainMagma Is there any way of getting 3 lines in that textbox? I don't think I ever saw that happen.

Thanks for your contribution, @Kuax-Meat

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

With the decreased height, this is how it looks with one line

With the height the way it is, the one line looks even, and anything with more looks a little taller.

@somini Yes, you can have 3 if you share your library. And I think you can have a max of 4 if you share a library and do in-home streaming as well.

somini commented 9 years ago

That's a conundrum then. I just tested and the default skin optimizes for looking good with a single line too, just how it is right now, so I guess I'll keep it that way. It's a matter of personal preference, really.

Kuax-Meat commented 9 years ago

just suggestion ;) never mind @CaptainMagma . i don't want to argue with you.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

I appreciate all suggestions and never mean to argue. I only meant to inform you of why it looks the way it does is all. Any other suggestions you have, I (and everyone else working on the skin) will always be open to.

somini commented 9 years ago

I second @CaptainMagma, no hard feelings. :D