somini / Pixelvision2

Steam Skin created by Pulseh and continued by Mr Late
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New SteamVR button #43

Open somini opened 9 years ago

somini commented 9 years ago

There was a beta update that added a SteamVR button. Skin Default Skin I think the best place to put it would be to the left of the Big Picture mode, just like the default skin.

Efreak commented 9 years ago

I wouldn't mind having both buttons moved up there. BPM doesn't need such a big button at the edge of the screen, and without that button there, there's no reason for the URL bar area to be so tall.

Speaking of (re)moving buttons, why is there a dedicated 'add a game' menu at the bottom of the window? It's hardly a frequently-used important function, and all the items in it are in the Games menu.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I wasn't aware of this issue earlier. I'll work on a fix for it tomorrow. I think the best thing to do (unless someone is willing to make a custom icon) is to use the default big picture mode button that was added as an override and just add the VR button next to it.

Edit: By the way, please make sure that you are both opted into the Steam beta.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

For some reason, I am unable to see the Steam VR button even in the default skin. Is there anything I need to do to enable it? Without the ability to see it, I won't be able to fix it.

Clavus commented 9 years ago

I believe it only shows up when you have a VR device attached. You would need to disable that behaviour during development I guess, or make a dummy button, position that, and copy the settings over to the VR button.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

@Clavus, Have you tested to see what it looks like when you activate Steam VR mode? It appears there is also an "Exit VR" button that needs to be included as well. At least that's what I'm seeing in the code.

Clavus commented 9 years ago

Can't test it myself until Monday. Another thing: brother said the VR button showed up for him and he doesn't have VR hardware. Are you testing on the steam beta branch?

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

@Clavus, Yes, I am on the beta branch. Has he ever used VR on his PC? If not, is there anything VR related that he's downloaded?

Clavus commented 9 years ago

Maybe if you download SteamVR in the tools tab? He also just moved to Windows 10 but that's probably not related.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

@Clavus, Well, I downloaded SteamVR and VRMonitor and tried to run SteamVR but was just brought to some blue setup looking screen. Doubt I'll be able to set anything up without the VR Hardware. I still don't see a button, so I'm kind of at a loss here. If I can't get this to work for me, then someone who has it working will have to fix it. It's a relatively simple fix.

Clavus commented 9 years ago

I actually tinkered with it a bit earlier, but somehow my button remained in the top bar instead of next to the big picture button. But anyway, if nobody else can fix it I'll give it another go on Monday.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

Thanks @Clavus. If @somini or Mr. Late can't fix it, then I can try to walk you through how to fix it.

somini commented 9 years ago

I too can see it without any VR hardware, not sure what's causing it. Here's the relevant Pressure commit:

I'll try to have a go at this tomorrow.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

@somini, Well all they do there is hide the VR button for some reason instead of adding it. I could do that without being able to see it. They might be hiding it because there's another way they've decided to access VR mode. I know the creator of that skin so I'll just ask him about it tomorrow. I'll let you know what I find out.

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

I spoke with Dirt Diglett and he told me he hid the VR button so that he could later add it into a drop-down menu since he thinks there are very few people that will make use of the feature. I don't think this is a bad idea either. This way we won't have to remove the custom Big Picture button, so we won't have to adjust the ini file to change the Big Picture button to the default one and create room for the VR button. Let me know what you think of this, @somini.

somini commented 9 years ago

Looks good to me. Just add a line to the README to let people know.

SHOUBISHOCK commented 9 years ago


text font doesn t match but i wish keep the same spirit pm me there

Bluscream commented 5 years ago

@SHOUBISHOCK how did you get this?


Black4Blade commented 5 years ago

@SHOUBISHOCK how did you get this?


I at least am not sure what you are referring to And you are aware that is from the older skin, right? the one that was before the new chat come in? or is that what you refer to?

Bluscream commented 5 years ago
