somini / Pixelvision2

Steam Skin created by Pulseh and continued by Mr Late
273 stars 29 forks source link

Keep "Smaller Big Picture icon" override in sync #7

Closed clevelandj closed 9 years ago

clevelandj commented 9 years ago

Update override's steam.styles to include fix from

CaptainMagma commented 9 years ago

Wait, why is there even a separate steam.styles located in an override? That's the point of the tweaks folder and the settings.ini file.

Do not merge this. I'm going to have to fix this now, too. Thanks for bringing this up @clevelandj.

clevelandj commented 9 years ago

No problem. I was actually wondering the same thing. Definitely not a skin expert, though, so figured I would try to keep both in sync in case there was some explanation I was missing. Glad to hear this will be moved to be an optional setting instead.