sommer / veins

Veins - The open source vehicular network simulation framework.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Connection to TraCI server lost while using veins #208

Closed divakar5 closed 3 years ago

divakar5 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the below issue

divakar@divakar:~/veins-5.1/veins-veins-5.1$ ./ -vv -c sumo WARNING: the script is deprecated in favor of bin/veins_launchd. Redirecting. WARNING: the script is deprecated in favor of bin/veins_launchd. Redirecting. Logging to /tmp/sumo-launchd.log Listening on port 9999 Connection from on port 44898 Handling connection from on port 44898 Got TraCI message of length 2 Got TraCI command of length 1 Got TraCI command 0x0 Got CMD_GETVERSION Got TraCI message of length 304 Got TraCI command of length 299 Got TraCI command 0x75 Got CMD_FILE_SEND for "b'sumo-launchd.launch.xml'" Got CMD_FILE_SEND with data "b'\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n'" Creating temporary directory... Temporary dir is /tmp/sumo-launchd-tmp-kxqifxm5 Base dir is /home/divakar/veins-5.1/veins-veins-5.1/examples/veins/ Seed is 0 Finding free port number... Claiming lock on port ...found port 40991 Starting SUMO (sumo -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 40991, seed 0 Connecting to SUMO (sumo -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 40991 (try 1) Error ([Errno 111] Connection refused) Connecting to SUMO (sumo -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 40991 (try 2) Releasing lock on port Starting proxy mode Done with proxy mode Done with proxy mode, killing SUMO Done running SUMO Cleaning up Result: "

1 1616690356 1616690357 Exited with error code 1

" Closing connection from on port 44898 ^CKeyboard interrupt. Shutting down. WARNING: the script is deprecated in favor of bin/veins_launchd. Redirection done. WARNING: the script is deprecated in favor of bin/veins_launchd. Redirection done.

I tried adding log value="log.txt" and verbose value="true" in erlangen.sumo.cfg (in veins example) after that i triggered simulation i got same error and Omnetpp console displayed the below error.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'omnetpp::cRuntimeError' what(): Connection to TraCI server lost. Check your server's log. Error message: 32: Broken pipe

Please guide me, I'm new to this domain.

sommer commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your message, but this is most probably not the right place to have this discussion. We're using the Veins issue tracker only to track mistakes in Veins. While there is certainly a chance that you might have found a mistake, there is also a good chance that Veins is working as it should and, rather, your problem can be solved with some guidance. May I please point you to the Veins FAQ for further guidance and a list of preferred places for having discussions. You can find the FAQ at

Just for completeness: I've seen that a very similar bug has been filed against SUMO ( and The same applies here: please read the Veins FAQ for how best to get support.