somq / consolas-ligaturized

🖊️ Standard Consolas font with FiraCode ligatures
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Wierd looking font when using |= #4

Closed MarcDirven closed 4 years ago

MarcDirven commented 4 years ago

Somewhere in my code I'm using for e.g.

someVal |= someOtherVal
someVal &= someOtherVal

However, |= looks kind of weird while &= and for e.g. a | b looks like its normal Consolas font. Is this 'ligutarization' supposed to be this way?

somq commented 4 years ago

Does it look the same using FiraCode standard font?
I guess that yes because I can see this ligature (|=) in their demo screenshot

See down-right corner

firacode demo

MarcDirven commented 4 years ago

Hmm that's weird, cause my IDE says Consolas Ligaturized is enabled:

Any ideas?

somq commented 4 years ago

I don't think a | b or &= has any ligatures.
Can you reproduce what's on the demo image above? Does the special arrows works for instance?

MarcDirven commented 4 years ago

File -> settings -> Editor -> Font.

Editor -> Color Scheme -> Color Scheme Font:

Editor -> Color Scheme -> Console Font:

Some samples:

The && || -> <- etc, look very much like the Fira Code Retina, however the normal font, as in the letters itself, looks like Consolas.

somq commented 4 years ago

Do you mean that ligaturized characters are not made out of legacy consolas characters?
If yes, this is unfortuantely the way ligaturizer works.

This script copies the ligatures (glyphs and rendering information) from Fira Code into any other TrueType or OpenType font.


MarcDirven commented 4 years ago

Ah my bad. I thought this font customized those ligaturizations aswell.

somq commented 4 years ago

No prob, If you have any alternative solution to provide legacy consolas characters ligatures feel free to open a new issue or make a PR. I'm closing this one for now.