somya93 / Android-codepath

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Review my app #1

Open somya93 opened 8 years ago

somya93 commented 8 years ago

My app is complete, please review. Sorry about the delay!

Also, I have a question about the file that I write to within the app...where is it stored exactly? @codepathreview @codepath

nickai commented 8 years ago

Looks good Somya! This exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer to learn all practical Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.

Your application will be passed along to the organizers for final admissions. You should hear back again soon. I'd encourage you to continue working on app extensions.

Regarding the file, this is stored in what's referred to as "internal storage" which is a private area specific to your app. Android has the following 2 storage options:

  1. Internal Storage => This is where private data for the app goes that is not accessible by any other apps.
  2. External Storage => This is where public data goes that is accessible by all apps and makes sense for things like photos, videos, etc.

You can also poke around at the directories on your emulator to see for yourself if you use the DDMS File Explorer.

somya93 commented 8 years ago

So is that file editable by me? Say, if I want to populate the app with certain items when I first install the app, can I mention those items in that file, read from it and then persist data onto it as usual?

nickai commented 8 years ago

If you want to populate your list of items when the app is first installed, you could use a string resource file to store the items and the read from it to populate the list. Alternatively, once we cover networking and connecting to a server, the server could return the list of items when the client first connects to it after the app is installed.

somya93 commented 8 years ago

Ah. Got it. Thanks for quick replies! :)