son-iOS / SwiftUI-RIB

Bringing RIB architecture to SwiftUI
MIT License
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An Example App. #1

Open bedrekarthik opened 3 months ago

bedrekarthik commented 3 months ago


Is there an sample/tutorial app that can be used to see this pattern in action? I have used RIBs in the past, but with only UIKit, moving to swift-ui the whole navigation paradigm has changed.

ndson040496 commented 3 months ago

Hi, thank you for taking a look at my template :D I'll put aside some time to add a sample project for this soon that includes an example of how to handle sub-routes as well. Just an example of its practicality, I've built this app using this architecture: From my experience, RIB really shines over other architecture when the screen's composition is complex and broken down into multiple children RIBs. I'll update here again once the sample is ready