Closed jbonnet closed 7 years ago
Hey, @pkarkazis
What's the endpoint to POST
the monitoring data request?
Hi @jbonnet, the apis related with the monitoring data retrieval are the following:
Get monitoring data
a. Get mon data via asynch request
tw_end=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
tw_start=$(date -u -d -10minutes '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
curl -s \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-X POST --data '{"name":"vm_mem_perc","start": "'$tw_start'", "end": "'$tw_end'", "step": "10s", "labels": [{"labeltag":"exported_job", "labelid":"vnf"}]}' \
b. Get monitoring data via synch request (websocket)
curl -s \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-X POST --data '{"metric":"vm_cpu_perc","filters":["id='123456asdas255sdas'","type='vnf'"]}' \
Thanks a million, @pkarkazis. @stevenvanrossem, @cgeoffroy: are you the 'clients' of this API? If not, do you know who is? If yes, please take a look at the above (1st comment) proposed definition... do you agree? Have you got other/better ideas?
The proposed API implies the SDK gathers the function descriptor's uuid
and and the uuid
of the record of the instance monitoring data is wanted (ouch! long paragraph, sorry...). Is this ok?
@pkarkazis Sorry, just a couple of doubts:
, vnf
and 10s
fixed? If not, how can they change?id='123456asdas255sdas
? And again, is vnf
fixed? If not, which are its valid values?Thanks,
@pkarkazis, @trakadasp
Which URL does the mon_manager
Sorry, further explanations are needed...
When you get the list of the available metrics, you don't indicate the instance... why? are you returning all instances metrics?!? This might be a flood of data...
The same when you as for asynch monitoring data... And I'm assuming the id
in the filters of synch monitoring data is that instance id, can you confirm that?
Hi @jbonnet,
monitoring data can be filtered based on attributes like instance type (vms, containers, vims_limits, vnf etc), instance id (vm's uuid or containers id) etc. So, if you want to retrieve data related vm_cpu_perc of a specific vm with id = 123456asdas255sdas. You must must set the labels/filters of your post as following:
a. For asynch req
labels:[{"labeltag":"id", "labelid":"123456asdas255sdas"}]}'
b. For synch req
In case that you dont know the labels/filters for each metric you can retrieve this information from monitoring manager by calling the following api:
-Monitoring manager runs on
In case that you need something different (or more specific) from the existing apis please tell me.
Thank you, @pkarkazis This is food for thought.. @felipevicens needs to know which route should be set for the mon. manager:
Ok, @pkarkazis
But going into
, I get
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"metrics": {
"resultType": "vector",
"result": [
"metric": {
"exported_instance": "TEST-VNF",
"group": "development",
"exported_job": "vnf",
"instance": "pushgateway:9091",
"job": "sonata",
"__name__": "vm_mem_perc",
"id": "TEST-VNF"
"value": [
"metric": {
"exported_instance": "INT-SRV-3",
"group": "development",
"exported_job": "vm",
"instance": "pushgateway:9091",
"job": "sonata",
"__name__": "vm_mem_perc",
"id": "INT-SRV-3"
"value": [
The only ID's I see are TEST-VNF
and INT-SRV-3
... are these the ones?
@jbonnet the proposal looks ok to me, please clarify:
-how to retrieve :function_uuid
and :instance_uuid
from the SDK?
-in what format will the metrics be exported? forward the metrics like they are formatted by the mon_manager (Prometheus format)?
@jbonnet in the id field you should see the uuid of the vm or the id of the contianer, but now see the name of the vm/vnf. I suppose that there is a problem with the openstack in integration env... I will check it.
means VNF descriptor ID (but can also be the vendor
trio, though it might start getting unreadable, you can get it from the Catalogues using the existing .../api/v2/functions/
means VNF instance ID, you can get it from the Repositories using the existing .../api/v2/records/functions/
endpoint, though I'm still checking if this is possible;@pkarkazis: Then how do I map that OpenStack ID to VNF Instance ID? (@DarioValocchi: is this a one (VNF Instance) to one (VM) mapping? How is it if/when we use containers?)
@jbonnet Two comments:
Are these of any help?
Excellent, @DarioValocchi! Ok, so from a VNF instance ID I can reach all its VMs, and vice-versa?
And how is it when containers are used?
Well, it depends on what you mean by "reach". If you mean get the ID of all the VMs which implement its VNFCs, then it would be a "YES". From the VNF instance ID you should be able to retrieve the relevant VNFR, and inside that you will find all the VNFC objects with the relevant VM ids. As for container, it will most probably depend on the translation model, but since we are going toward a native docker VIM, in docker each container has its ID, and that is also the identifier used by dockers standard monitoring facilities, so I guess that the vc_id field can be overloaded and contain that identifier, so that the field is independent of the VIM technology.
Ok, @DarioValocchi , thanks a million. @trakadasp, @pkarkazis: how about monitoring at the function or service level, how would they be expressed in the above filters? We can have these metrics defined in the service and function Descriptors, right?
Hey, @pkarkazis, it's me again...
case (read websockets here) as the 'client' (read @stevenvanrossem here) simply passing a url like …/functions/:function_uuid/instances/:instance_uuid/synch-mon-data?metric=cpu_util&for=<number of seconds>
? I mean, the id
you mention above is really the :instance_uuid
of this url, isn't it (apart from some mappings discussed above)? The GK will pass it to the MonMan as agreed (..."filters":["id='123456asdas255sdas'"]...
) works? Are expecting to create one web-socket for each, or one websocket for all?Hi @jbonnet,
Hi, @pkarkazis
, the GK API will pass the MonMan something like the above (..."filters": ["id='0987654321lkjhgfds'", "type='vnf'"]...
), ok?
we want the metrics from? Like in ...functions/:function_uuid/instances/:instance_uuid/vdus/:vdu_uuid
?Hello @jbonnet
Now we can create alerts/rules related to spesific metrics of each function. if we want to capture an event on service layer we have two options. Either, we can based on alerts from several functions which consistiing a service or we can insert the definition of service alert inside the service descriptor (this is not implemented yet). In any case I dont think that we need too much effort to support this. Of course it will be easier to deside the approach if we know which is the "service layer metric" we want to provide.
Yes, if you want to get a metric based on instance_uuid you must pass it in filters/labels array:
for synch request (websocket):
curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data
'{"name":"vm_mem_perc","start": "'$tw_start'", "end": "'$twend'", "step": "10s", "labels":
Closed by PR #653, though still needs some integration testing, and is done only for the *synchronous case (for the asynchronous case see #654).
@jbonnet lets assume this simple use case: a developer wants to monitor a VNF that is deployed as part of a known service in the SP. For a developer using the SDK, we assume only the nsd is known.
following steps then need to be executed from the SDK:
1) via ...api/v2/services
the service descriptor uuid can be looked up based on the service name/nsd
2) via …api/v2/records/services
-> returns an empty list, can the sonata-demo-1 service be instantiated to check?
4) via ...api/v2/functions
the VNF descriptor uuid must be queried (function_uuid)
5) via ...api/v2/records/functions
the VNF instance uuid must be queried (instance_uuid) -> this returns an empty list, can a service be instantiated to check?
The SDK needs to know VNF function_uuid and VNF instance_uuid , and also be sure that this VNF instance is part of a specific service instance. How can a VNF looked up in step 3,4 link to a service returned in step 1,2? In other words, how to link a VNF instance to a service instance? is it part of the record? Are VNF instance uuids part of the service record? if the instance_uuid is unique, then no need for function_uuid in the api, just use: /instances/:instance_uuid/synch-mon-data?
After checking all the api's described, above, I have one concern (correct me if this use-case is not relevant…) there might be a problem in this specific situation: if the same VNF is deployed multiple times inside 1 service or in multiple different services (deploying the same vnf_name/vnfd multiple times, but with a different and unique vnf_id in the nsd), the service record will return multiple vnfr_ids like this: "network_functions": [ { "vnfr_id": "xxxxx" }, { "vnfr_id": "yyyyy" } ], Those can be multiple VNF instances of the same image, and the same vnf_name, but a different vnf_id. When looking up those vnfr_ids with the api/v2/records/functions, or api/v2//functions, the vnf_id is not returned, so this information is lost and a developer cannot know which vnfr_id refers to which vnf_id specifically? in other words, how to link any unique vnf_id in the nsd to its vnf instance uuid? eg. A developer uses the SDK to create and deploy an nsd, then uses the service record and the vnf_id from the nsd to find back this specific VNF instance in the SP. I think it is needed to include the vnf_id from the nsd also in the service record. Is this possible?
To be confirmed (@tsoenen?), but the record already contains a function_uuid
which I think is what you're looking for (vnf_id
It seems function_uuid refers to the vnf_name and not the vnf_id? What happens when you deploy multiple instances of the same VNF, do they get the same function_uuid?
Exactly, but distinct (instance) UUIDs.
Ok, when you @stevenvanrossem refer to vnf_id
you mean the function id within the service? Yes, in that case, it can appear more than once...
With vnf_id
I refer to the NSD,
Example: if I define a service with multiple firewalls, (each firewall might be at some other position in the forwarding path). They use the same vnf_name, but have a different vnf_id in the NSD:
- vnf_id: "vnf_firewall_1"
vnf_vendor: "eu.sonata-nfv"
vnf_name: "firewall-vnf"
vnf_version: "0.3"
- vnf_id: "vnf_firewall_2"
vnf_vendor: "eu.sonata-nfv"
vnf_name: "firewall-vnf"
vnf_version: "0.3"
Is this part of any use-case? In this case the instance_uuid of the VNFs cannot be linked back to either vnf_firewall_1 or vnf_firewall_2 It could be solved if the vnf_id is also mentioned in the service record. currently, the service record mentions only this:
"network_functions": [
"vnfr_id": "xxxxx"
"vnfr_id": "yyyyy"
can vnf_id
be added?
Ok, @stevenvanrossem, what a mess... Let me go step by step, for my own sanity:
of this API, not the vnf_id
of this API);function_id
but have its own (unique) instance_id
(named in the record simply by uuid
);So... if we just use the instance_id
(and not also the function_id
), we can get metrics; can you, on the SDK side, 'navigate' to this instance_id
and get it?
yes, the SDK can navigate to the instance_id
and get metrics of each instance. I also understand the difference between instance_id
and function_id
Let me put it different and sketch this use-case:
1) in the SDK, a developer creates an NSD and deploys it on the SP
2) the developer wants to retrieve monitoring data for a specific VNF in this NSD. In the SDK, the developer wants to monitor a VNF, identified by the vnf_id
in the NSD.
3) the SDK looks up the service instance and checks in the service record which are the VNF instance_ids
in this service instance.
4) for each instance_id
, the function_id
is looked up
5) knowing both instance_id
and function_id
the SDK can now use the GK api to retrieve monitoring data from the SP.
But now, the tricky part is to know which instance_id
belongs to this specific VNF the developer wants to monitor. In the case of above example, with the same VNF deployed multiple times in a service, there is currently no way to tell. The SDK will get multiple instance_ids
but cannot tell which one belongs to vnf_firewall_1 and which one to vnf_firewall_2?
I think the easiest solution is to include the vnf_id
from the NSD also in the service record, is this possible?
Ok, @stevenvanrossem , now I got it...
@tsoenen , is it easy for the FLM to include the vnf_id
in the record?
@mbredel this would affect the records schema...
Is there any alternative design? Can we assume this duplicated VNF will never happen?
I think the records schema are more like Josep's code from the Pirates of the Caribbean - no one is following them closely. Or are the records schemata used for verification somewhere? ... However, if needed I can change them.
@stevenvanrossem @jbonnet : I haveb't followed the entire discussion, but where does the FLM find this vnf_id? Is it part of the VNFD?
it is not part of the VNFD, only in the NSD
This gives an architectural conflict I would say, as the FLM functions on the function level, and doesn't know the NSD by design.
And who makes the service record? the SLM? can the SLM include the vnf_id in the service record?
That would be a possibility, but both the current NSR and NSD are at your disposal, isn't it possible to do the mapping without making the change?
In some specific cases not, see some comments above:
Aight, I get it:D
@felipevicens @mbredel : we should extend the schema for the nsr after line 90 (, by adding the 'vnf_id' property, which should be a string.
One possibility would be to simplify and consider that the double (triple, n-uple) VNF in the same NS is out of our scope... how serious would this be? @tsoenen As @mbredel noted above, records are probably not being validated against the schema (btw, are you doing it? ;-)), so you can add that field...
Actually, since network_functions in the nsr is a list, I think it has the same order as the list in the nsd. This would solve the mapping problem, right?
@jbonnet : the repositories do validate against the schema
@tsoenen Ah, great! Sorry, no pun intended...
@tsoenen only if you are 100% sure that the list order is the same? :smile:
The GK api does not return any info on the created websocket.
…/functions/:function_uuid/instances/:instance_uuid/synch-mon-data?metric=cpu_util&for=<number of seconds>
{'function_instance_uuid': 'c3a85707-9ae4-4325-9e36-12065a763617', 'function_uuid': '152d27dc-4f61-42c0-ac72-2bd28eb464be', 'metrics': ['vm_cpu_perc']}
Should this function also return the websocket url (as returned by the Monitoring Manager)?
You're right, @stevenvanrossem , it's hasn't been implemented yet (see #667). Let me do a PR and I'll jump into that one next.
@jbonnet seems this issue is not closed yet :-)
The (a)synch monitor request to the GK api expects the SONATA function instance id.
But the MonMan exports the metrics only with the label of the Openstack uuid.
(a)synch monitor request via GK needs to translate SONATA instance uuid to the correct uuid used by the Monitor Manager
for a deployed vnf:
All requests from the SDK should go via the GK, (I don't think it is authorized that the SDK contacts the MonMan directly) Therefore I think the GK api and MonMan api need some more integration to process the (a)sync monitoring request correctly.
Also after discussion with @DarioValocchi and @pkarkazis, a single vnf_instance can have multiple vdu_instances (eg. at scale-out). This means that to uniquely identify a metric, vnf_instance_id AND vdu_instance_id are needed...
Hi, @stevenvanrossem
No problem :-)
The second link gives me a 404
So, should we add the vdu_instance_id
to the endpoint URL?
@stevenvanrossem, @pkarkazis, @DarioValocchi
As agreed in Gitter:
(we keep functions
for the sake of having a services
in the future, and we change instances
into metrics
). For the moment :vdu_id
will not be used to request data from the Monitoring Manager.
…/functions/:function_uuid/instances/:instance_uuid/synch-mon-data?metric=cpu_util&for=<number of seconds>
We can support things like multiple metrics in the same request, e.g.,