sonata-nfv / son-schema

The schema files for the various descriptors used by SONATA
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[NSD] NS Monitoring #29

Open mbredel opened 8 years ago

mbredel commented 8 years ago

Describing monitoring for NS is in a very early stage. It is basically copy-and-paste from the T-NOVA descriptors. Questions are:

jbonnet commented 8 years ago

NS Monitoring depends on what the service is and how it's author wants its quality to be measured. In T-NOVA we've opted for restricting service-level monitoring parameters to a composition of VNF-level monitoring parameters, allowing simple expressions like MIN, MAX, etc., between them. In SONATA, with the SSM/FSM concepts, we may go a little further, and allow more freedom.

As to the best way to express them: this is close to what the NS/VNF monitoring tools will provide. I'd say the minimum is

Then we must find a way for the service to provide values for this monitoring parameter, either like in T-NOVA (combination of VNF-level monitoring parameters) or totally independent, through the usage of SSMs/FSMs?

My 2 cents

mbredel commented 8 years ago

Let me elaborate a bit more on monitoring:

First, we need to specify the monitoring data, i.e. what is monitored:

Second, we need to specify triggers on the monitoring data:

  meter_ref: "Reference to the meter (monitoring parameter)"
  threshold: "A number"
  unit: "The measurement unit"
  comparison_operator: "like <, >, >=, <=, ==, !="
  statistic: "avg, peak, ewma"
  period: "Cool down period"
  actions: "A set of actions"

Last, we need to specify the action that is triggered:

mbredel commented 8 years ago

The triggers and the actions could live in the 'auto_scale_policy' section that is foreseen by ETSI.