To enable customers to request the migration of a vnf, we need to expose this MANO feature through the GTK API.
GTK endpoint
/migrate ?
specifics of GTK - MANO interaction
topic: service.instance.migrate
service_instance_uuid: <id of the service instance>
vnf_uuid: <id of the vnf instance that needs to be migrated>
vim_uuid: <id of the vim that the vnf needs to be migrated to>
Immediate intermediate response by the MANO with same corr_id
status: `READY` | `ERROR`
error: null | <string indicating error>
duration: <float indicating how long the migration took>
nsr: <nsr, just like in instantiation message>
vnfrs: <list of vnfrs, just like in instantiation message>
To enable customers to request the migration of a vnf, we need to expose this MANO feature through the GTK API.
GTK endpoint
/migrate ?
specifics of GTK - MANO interaction
Immediate intermediate response by the MANO with same corr_id
final response by MANO with same corr_id