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Enable CNF list inside NS instances #248

Closed felipevicens closed 5 years ago

felipevicens commented 5 years ago

There is a new fiel "cloudnative_deployment_unit" that contains the information about the CNF inside the NS, As example of vnfr reply:

  "cloudnative_deployment_units": [
      "connection_points": [
          "type": "serviceendpoint",
          "id": "rtmp",
          "port": 1935
          "type": "serviceendpoint",
          "id": "api",
          "port": 5000
          "type": "serviceendpoint",
          "id": "stats",
          "port": 80
      "id": "cdu01",
      "image": "ignaciodomin/media-aggregator:dev",
      "vim_id": "8888-22222222-33333333-8888",
      "cdu_reference": "ma-vnfdcdu01-4ef2f66d-3263-43b9-a916-b6682f898b62",
      "load_balancer_ip": {
        "floating_ip": "",
        "internal_ip": ""
      "number_of_instances": 1
  "created_at": "2019-01-21T09:12:08.796+00:00",
  "descriptor_reference": "a35fbf4b-d1fa-4693-aab4-a9647338f413",
  "descriptor_version": "vnfr-schema-01",
  "status": "normal operation",
  "updated_at": "2019-01-21T09:12:08.796+00:00",
  "version": "2",
  "virtual_links": [
      "id": "rtmp-link",
      "connectivity_type": "E-Tree",
      "connection_points_reference": [
      "id": "api-link",
      "connectivity_type": "E-Tree",
      "connection_points_reference": [
      "id": "stats-link",
      "connectivity_type": "E-Tree",
      "connection_points_reference": [
  "uuid": "4ef2f66d-3263-43b9-a916-b6682f898b62"
anapolg commented 5 years ago

@felipevicens CDUs have a different schema from VDUs. It is not only a matter of allowing the parameter "cloudnative_deployment_units", I need to know what parameters you want to display in here cause they are not the same as in the case of VDUs.

In VNF I am displaying:

Also, I would strongly recommend to follow a similar schema for both VNF and CNF. In the case of VNF we have an object including the property vnfc_instance (array) whose elements include the property connection_points among others. Why the CDU doesn't have a property "cnfc_instances" (as an array) and under that "connection points"? Or the opposite, is it necessary to have a property "vnfc_instance" in the VDUs? Why not directly the "connection_points"?

Here you have two complete examples of function records in the case of VNF and CNF.


   "status":"normal operation",


   "status":"normal operation",
anapolg commented 5 years ago

Change VNF ID in the table for VNF name ( cc @tsoenen @felipevicens )

Generate a CNF section as the VNF one. This will have a list with: -> ID (change ID per name cc @tsoenen ), status, Updated at

The detailed view will include: -> load_balancer_ip.floating_ip and load_balancer_ip.floating_ip

Meeting notes:

tsoenen commented 5 years ago

On the subject of having a + and - sign next to VNFs to scale out / in:

The - sign doesn't really make sense, as you have to specify which VNF you want to remove for the scale in. It could be better to use a x sign next to each VNF to indicate this. Clicking the + sign multiple times results in individual scale-out requests with one instance. With some sort of input textbox next to the VNF, you could indicate how many you want to scale out.