User --> Squid proxy --> Socat L4FW --> Apache webserver
For a demo, the descriptorgen should be able to generate descriptors for all VNFs and the complete NS place them in a project folder together with project.yaml. The following steps are still needed:
[x] Probably don't need monitoring parameters
[x] Allow referencing VM image (string) and format (drop-down) for each VNF
[x] Optionally use locally stored default NSD and VNFD rather than fetching them from the tng-schema repository. This is useful to quickly adjust these default NSDs during a demo.
[x] Generate project structure
[x] Test the generated descriptors with the service platform to check if they really work (integration env)
For demos (e.g., at the Y1 review), we'll use services like the ones from upb-emulator-mano-integration-demo or upb-containernet-emulator-summerschool-demo:
User --> Squid proxy --> Socat L4FW --> Apache webserver
For a demo, the descriptorgen should be able to generate descriptors for all VNFs and the complete NS place them in a project folder together with
. The following steps are still needed: