sonata-project / SonataBlockBundle

Symfony SonataBlockBundle
MIT License
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Deprecate FormMapper::create #1068

Closed VincentLanglet closed 2 years ago

VincentLanglet commented 2 years ago


I am targeting this branch, because {reason}.


The only usage found is

This can be replaced by the implementation



### Deprecated
- FormMapper::create() method.
jordisala1991 commented 2 years ago

But the $formBuilder is not on that function of classification bundle. Can you show how to avoid deprecation / be compatible with blockbundle 5 on classification 4?

VincentLanglet commented 2 years ago

But the $formBuilder is not on that function of classification bundle. Can you show how to avoid deprecation / be compatible with blockbundle 5 on classification 4?

Implementation is here: Since SonataAdmin will be compatible both blockBundle 4 and 5, the method won't be removed until SonataAdmin 5. So ClassificationBundle can still call the method.

Then, for ClassificationBundle to be compatible SonataAdmin 4 and 5, it will be:

    public function __construct(
        Environment $twig,
        ContextManagerInterface $contextManager, 
        ?FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder = null
) {

        $this->contextManager = $contextManager;
        $this->formBuilder = $formBuilder;

    final protected function getFormAdminType(FormMapper $formMapper, AdminInterface $admin, string $formField, string $field, array $fieldOptions = [], array $adminOptions = []): FormBuilderInterface
        /** @phpstan-var FieldDescriptionOptions $adminOptions */
        $adminOptions = array_merge([
            'edit' => 'list',
            'translation_domain' => 'SonataClassificationBundle',
        ], $adminOptions);

        $fieldDescription = $admin->createFieldDescription($field, $adminOptions);

        $fieldOptions = array_merge([
            'sonata_field_description' => $fieldDescription,
            'class' => $admin->getClass(),
            'model_manager' => $admin->getModelManager(),
            'required' => false,
        ], $fieldOptions);

        if (null !== $this->formBuilder) {
            return $this->formBuilder->create($formField, ModelListType::class, $fieldOptions);
        } elseif (method_exists($formMapper, 'create') {
            return $formMapper->create($formField, ModelListType::class, $fieldOptions);
        } else {
            throw new \Exception('You need to inject formBuilder for Sonata 5 support');

But we could also look for getFormAdminType usage and see if we shouldn't deprecate this method.

VincentLanglet commented 2 years ago

@jordisala1991, is it ok for you ?

jordisala1991 commented 2 years ago

But the $formBuilder is not on that function of classification bundle. Can you show how to avoid deprecation / be compatible with blockbundle 5 on classification 4?

Implementation is here:

Since SonataAdmin will be compatible both blockBundle 4 and 5, the method won't be removed until SonataAdmin 5.

So ClassificationBundle can still call the method.

Then, for ClassificationBundle to be compatible SonataAdmin 4 and 5, it will be:

    public function __construct(

        Environment $twig,

        ContextManagerInterface $contextManager, 

        ?FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder = null

) {


        $this->contextManager = $contextManager;

        $this->formBuilder = $formBuilder;


    final protected function getFormAdminType(FormMapper $formMapper, AdminInterface $admin, string $formField, string $field, array $fieldOptions = [], array $adminOptions = []): FormBuilderInterface


        /** @phpstan-var FieldDescriptionOptions $adminOptions */

        $adminOptions = array_merge([

            'edit' => 'list',

            'translation_domain' => 'SonataClassificationBundle',

        ], $adminOptions);

        $fieldDescription = $admin->createFieldDescription($field, $adminOptions);


        $fieldOptions = array_merge([

            'sonata_field_description' => $fieldDescription,

            'class' => $admin->getClass(),

            'model_manager' => $admin->getModelManager(),

            'required' => false,

        ], $fieldOptions);

        if (null !== $this->formBuilder) {

            return $this->formBuilder->create($formField, ModelListType::class, $fieldOptions);

        } elseif (method_exists($formMapper, 'create') {

            return $formMapper->create($formField, ModelListType::class, $fieldOptions);

        } else {

            throw new \Exception('You need to inject formBuilder for Sonata 5 support');



But we could also look for getFormAdminType usage and see if we shouldn't deprecate this method.

With your changes , it might be possible that $formMapper is no longer need as first argument of that function.