sonata-project / SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle

Integrate Doctrine ORM into the SonataAdminBundle
MIT License
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ModelManagerInterface and getParentMetadataForProperty() #1296

Closed dmaicher closed 3 years ago

dmaicher commented 3 years ago

Feature Request

Inside the AbstractTypeGuesser we are calling Sonata\AdminBundle\Model\ModelManagerInterface::getParentMetadataForProperty but this method is not part of that contract.

So we are actually expecting a Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Model\ModelManager for it to work.

As @VincentLanglet suggested we could

Or any other ideas?

franmomu commented 3 years ago

I created for this, but I haven't tried it yet.

VincentLanglet commented 3 years ago

The getParentMetadataForProperty method was also used in the fixDescription method of our builders. @dmaicher you removed it from FormContractor, ListBuilder and ShowBuilder, but you had issues with the tests for the DatagridBuilder. With, it will be definitely removed from the builders.

So indeed, we just have to focus about the TypeGuesser usage.

$this->guesser->guessType($admin->getClass(), $fieldDescription->getName(), $admin->getModelManager())

This could be easily migrated to


Because as a first step, we can change the code inside guessType to add

$admin = $fieldDescription->getAdmin();
$class = $admin->getClass();
$modelManager = $admin->getModelManager();

And keep the same code.

Note that currently, when guessType is called, we did not attach the admin It's done instead in the fixFieldDescription method: So there is something to change about this. We can move the setAdmin call from fixFieldDescription to addFilter.

I also notice that the fixFieldDescription is in every builder, but is only called in the SonataAdmin::FormMapper ; there is no need to make it public in other builders. A maybe better idea could be to move the addFilter and addField to the SonataAdmin code. When I look at the code I think it just require a BuilderInterface::getGuesser method and a DatagridBuilderInterface::getFilterFactory method.