sonata-project / ecommerce

[Abandoned] E-Commerce solution provided by Sonata
MIT License
165 stars 139 forks source link

Using Symfony UserInterface instead of FOSUserBundle UserInterface? #284

Closed eko closed 6 years ago

eko commented 10 years ago


A customer is actually linked to a FOSUserBundle user (FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface) as specified in the CustomerInterface (

As CustomerInterface is also used in a lot of classes, projects that does not use FOSUserBundle (such eZPublish for instance) have to redefine a lot of things just to bypass this issue.

What about using the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface instead to do not limit Sonata ecommerce using FOSUserBundle by default?

mathewrapid commented 9 years ago


jordisala1991 commented 6 years ago

Already done, closing