Guys, I just tried creating a nexus server in AWS using the minimal template and it hangs on the last nested stack when it tries to create the NexusInstance. No EC2 instance ever gets spun-up and after about 10 minutes the script just bombs-out on a timeout exceeded error (or something like that). I even tried running it with --disable-rollback flag to debug any errors, but there's not much to debug. The instance just never gets created.
Guys, I just tried creating a nexus server in AWS using the minimal template and it hangs on the last nested stack when it tries to create the NexusInstance. No EC2 instance ever gets spun-up and after about 10 minutes the script just bombs-out on a timeout exceeded error (or something like that). I even tried running it with --disable-rollback flag to debug any errors, but there's not much to debug. The instance just never gets created.
Please help!