sonatype / m2eclipse-scala

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m2eclipse-scala plugin available in the Scala IDE ecosystem? #17

Open dotta opened 12 years ago

dotta commented 12 years ago

Hi guys, would you be interested in making your plugin available in the Scala IDE ecosystem?

You never heard of the Scala IDE ecosystem? The idea is really simple, we want to provide a central locations for plugins relevant for Scala development inside Eclipse. We officially launched the service last week (25th of July), and for the moment it includes the Scala IDE and the ScalaTest plugin. It would be truly great if we could include the m2eclipse-scala plugin!

If you are interested, the process for being included in the ecosystem is really simple (and quick). You can read the details here. And, of course, we can help out. Just drop us a note in the scala-ide-dev ML if needed.

If you want to read a bit more about the Scala IDE ecosystem, here is the blogged article and here is the (rather essential for the moment) page on our website.

dotta commented 12 years ago

Guys, do you have an opinion on this? It would be really nice to have you onboard.

davidB commented 11 years ago


The current public update-site of the plugin is a "composite" to provide access to m2e and m2e-scala.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<?compositeMetadataRepository version='1.0.0'?>
<repository name='"Maven for Scala"' type="org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository" version="1.0.0">
  <properties size="2">
    <property name="p2.compressed" value="true"/>
    <!-- get new time w/ `date +%s000` -->
    <property name="p2.timestamp" value="1333273554000"/>
  <children size="2">
    <child location="m2eclipse-scala"/>
    <child location=""/>

The issue of the this composition is that the time to show the content of the update-site is impacted by the time to access the components. It can have a bad impact on the eco-system.

In fact I should register the plugin into the m2e marketplace.

dotta commented 11 years ago

In theory, that won't be a problem. The ecosystem is built every night by pulling the content of plugins from the specified update site.