I want to delete Releases/com/alibaba/ververica/ververica-connectors/1.15-vvr-6.0.7-1/ververica-connectors-1.15-vvr-6.0.7-1.pom, but I don't have permission. How can I contact the administrator to help me delete it as soon as possible? It's urgent!please help me
This github project is for the public source code of Sonatype Nexus Repository. There are many, many Repository servers all around the world, is there a specific one you want to delete this file from?
I want to delete Releases/com/alibaba/ververica/ververica-connectors/1.15-vvr-6.0.7-1/ververica-connectors-1.15-vvr-6.0.7-1.pom, but I don't have permission. How can I contact the administrator to help me delete it as soon as possible? It's urgent!please help me