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Support google application default credentials #420

Open MFAshby opened 5 days ago

MFAshby commented 5 days ago

I'm trying to use nexus as a cache/proxy in front of a private google artifact registry. In order to pull from artifact registry, the application needs to supply some credentials for a google account with appropriate permissions.

Presently nexus only supports http basic auth. The nexus blog recommends using a service account key.

Google themselves recommend using workload identity federation instead of service account keys, to avoid the risk of leaked credentials. If nexus is running in some supported environment, or indeed on a developer machine where gcloud auth application-default login has been run, then no service account key is required to access the upstream artifact registry.

In our case specifically, I want developers to run a local nexus to cache images from google artifact registry, and also so they can write to their local nexus (but not to the google artifact registry).

Add an extra authentication mechanism alongside 'username' and 'ntlm': 'google ADC' for authenticating with upstream repositories using application default credentials. Use the google auth library to obtain credentials from the environment instead of taking them from user supplied configuration.

nexus-3.69.0-02, Ubuntu 22.0.4 LTS, local file system.


MFAshby commented 5 days ago

Here is the existing list of authentication mechanisms for proxy repositories. image