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latest_specs.4.8 on group repo is wrong #14

Closed mkristian closed 11 years ago

mkristian commented 11 years ago

it is just a merge of all configured repositories which can be more then just the latest version of each gem.

from a practical point of view that is workable - $ gem list -r will just use whatever latest_specs.4.8 is delivering - just a bit more than expected by the user.

flyinprogrammer commented 11 years ago

\ this is where i was a fool **

mkristian commented 11 years ago

that is not exactly a duplicate but very similar.currently the merging does just concats the versions lists of all the group members. that is OK for specs.4.8 and prereleased_specs.4.8 but with latest_specs.4.8 ONLY one version should be there: the latest version should be determined by the semantic version scheme of rubygems (the Gem::Version class has that implemented).

flyinprogrammer commented 11 years ago

you are certainly correct - i am but incapable of reading - sorry!!!