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Problem with uploading a Ruby gem to RubyGems repository hosted on Ubuntu server #33

Open choih opened 11 years ago

choih commented 11 years ago


I'm trying to upload a Ruby gem to RubyGems repository.

On Windows Nexus server, uploading a gem was successful.

On Nexus server hosted by Ubutu, uploading a gem is failing with the following error message. " Uploading gem to Nexus... something went wrong "

How to debug this issue?

mkristian commented 11 years ago

the client translate the status code from the request as such:

case response.code
    when "401"
      say "Unauthorized"
    when "400"
      say "something went wrong - maybe (re)deployment is not allowed"
    when "500"
      say "something went wrong"
      say response.message

what does the server log tell you ? maybe it is a filesystem permission ?