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Force authentication with username & password? #41

Closed eehret closed 10 years ago

eehret commented 11 years ago

Hi all, I'm sorry if this is an obvious one, but I am stumped at the moment.

In our Nexus repository, we have disallowed anonymous access for licensing reasons. Every time I try to grab something from the Rubygems proxy repository that I created in Nexus, it appears that gem is trying to just access Nexus anonymously. This will obviously not work. How do I force gem to authenticate when fetching?

Note: i am able to upload to a hosted repo just fine. If I use the 'gem nexus' command, I can upload to it using my stored credentials that I provided when prompted.

However with a proxy repo, I can't upload to it and it always seems to want to access anonymously...

Any ideas? Thanks

mkristian commented 11 years ago

not sure if I understand all of it. you can ONLY upload to hosted repo, the proxy can have a hosted repo as source or any other repo anywhere else.

eehret commented 11 years ago

Ok, I'm confused.

When you say you can ONLY upload to hosted repo, what do you mean? normally with Nexus I can have a hosted repo that I would upload things into, but I can also read from them just fine. My 3rd party repo is like this.

To have better control over the Gem repo, I'm leaning toward making it hosted instead of a proxy. So that's fine. But I will need to force authentication somehow. Right now gem keeps wanting to connect to Nexus anonymously.

i.e: When I do a 'gem sources -add my_repo_url' it fails with a 401 error because it's trying to connect anonymously, which our Nexus configuration does not allow.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

I guess your main point is that you have your repo password protected and can not use gem install or 'bundle install` -

you can set the username and password with the source url for your repo, something like

http://deployment:deployment123@localhost :8181/nexus/content/repositories/gems/

that is the only way I can think of.

the hosted vs. proxy I am sure you will figure it out - sorry for confusing you.

eehret commented 11 years ago


Interesting. Using the syntax you suggested, I can add the source to my sources.

However, now when I do a 'gem list -r', the list is empty. No remote gems.

I know there's one in there, because I can see it when I browse the Nexus index after logging in via the browser.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your patience and your help.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

seeing an empty list is when I had not the permissions to read the repo.

my setup:

eehret commented 11 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me.

I checked to make sure I had the role you indicated above. I did not. I've added it. Publish URL was already set to true (and I can see the gems in my web browser too)

I turned on DEBUG logging, to try to see what's happening. I see a lot of lines involving latest_specs.4.8.gz. It's definitely trying to do something, but I'm not sure how to interpret what I'm seeing.

If I sent you a log snippet, would you be able to help me troubleshoot this? I would really appreciate it.

Thanks! Eric

eehret commented 11 years ago

Snippet is here:

mkristian commented 11 years ago

hi, those recursive attributes are scary and I do not see them locally :(

beside the attribute trail the log file looks OK.

a wrong user or wrong password would end the log with jvm 1 | 2013-09-05 15:49:59 DEBUG [nxevthost-1-thread-10] - Unable to authenticate user [dieployment] from IP address

no permissions looks like jvm 1 | 2013-09-05 15:51:26 DEBUG [nxevthost-1-thread-12] - Unable to authorize user [deployment] for read(HTTP method "HEAD") to /nexus/content/repositories/gemshosted/latest_specs.4.8.gz from IP Address, user agent:"n/a"

and authentication went OK looks like jvm 1 | 2013-09-05 15:52:51 DEBUG [qtp932236882-53] deployment - gemshosted retrieveItem() :: FOUND gemshosted:/latest_specs.4.8.gz

you can also gem list -r nexus --verbose to see the client side status.

currently I am using nexus-2.6.0_05 and the latest snapshot of the nexus-ruby-plugin with java version "1.7.0_25" (fedora19 OS)

the attribute thingy is a bad sign and could be the reason why things do not get delivered to the client. could you setup a fresh host repo and see if the attributes thingy remains. in if so please give some info of your setup (versions) so I can try to reproduce it.

eehret commented 11 years ago

I agree about the recursion...

It looks like authentication was fine. So now I'm stuck on the recursion stuff... What I was wondering is if somehow the rubygem metadata got messed up. Is there a way to tell Nexus to rebuild it?

mkristian commented 11 years ago

rebuild no - maybe a good idea to add.

but you could at least delete all those attributes


that directory sits usually beside your NEXUS_HOME and my hosted repo is called 'gemshosted'

can you download the latest_specs.4.8.gz via curl or wget using the url with authentication.

eehret commented 11 years ago

What is contained in those latest_specs files? Is it like some kind of manifest?

With a hosted repository that contains only 1 gem, which I have uploaded by hand, how would this file get updated (assuming it is indeed a manifest) ?

To answer your question, I don't have curl or wget (non-*nix environment here...) but I can grab it just by pointing my web browser to the published URL and downloading the file. It appears to be empty or corrupt. Only 4 bytes long.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

the latest_specs file is basically a hashmap with gemname to latest version. whenever you upload a gem to hosted the latest_specs specs will updated respectively.

but I agree that a single gem should not corrupt any of those files.

so what OS, java version nexus version are you using - assuming you use the latest nexus-ruby-plugin.

eehret commented 11 years ago


Looking at the contents of those subfolders (and I have no idea how many there are... they go very deep) it looks like Nexus may have been updating the wrong copy of the latest_specs file. Some of the ones deeper in the tree actually have contents.

I'm running Nexus on Windows 7, under Java 7 (patch 21). This is Nexus 2.6.0-05. I was planning to update Nexus soon.

If I update nexus to latest, will I need to recompile the ruby support?

eehret commented 11 years ago

It looks like some changes were done in the indexer in 2.6.1. Perhaps that will help.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Eric Ehret wrote:

If I update nexus to latest, will I need to recompile the ruby support?

not sure - in the past that was a problem between those version

eehret commented 11 years ago

Ok. I'm going to update my Nexus to the latest version, rebuild the ruby support module, and give it another try. I'll get back to you.

Thanks again :)

eehret commented 11 years ago

Well, I updated to Nexus 2.6.2-01, with nexus-ruby-plugin version 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.

I'm not sure whether this version is stable. There are no tags to build from, so I grabbed the latest from master branch.

Nexus started up fine, and I can create a rubygems repo, but now the artifact upload tab is missing on the hosted rubygems repo!

edit: may be a problem with Nexus as opposed to the plugin, because my artifact upload tab is also missing from my Snapshots hosted repo. But my 3rd party repo is fine. I may need to open a Sonatype support ticket for that one.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

I think you have already the nexus gem installed. then you can upload a gem with

$ gem nexus my-gem-1.0.gem

eehret commented 11 years ago

Good point. That worked to upload the gem.

Now we're back to my original problem: although I can see the gem when I browse the public URL (after I authenticate in the browser), I get an empty gem list when I do 'gem list -r'

eehret commented 11 years ago

It is doing that crazy recursive .nexus attributes thing again.

I think the Nexus indexer is failing badly here.... let me see if I can exclude that repo from my indexing task.

update: nevermind. it isn't the scheduled task that's causing the problem. I can see that task hasn't run. It seems that as soon as I create the repo, before I even do anything with it, Nexus goes and create those massive numbers of recursive folders under .nexus

eehret commented 11 years ago

After multiple repeated tests, I have so far determined that this recursion problem does not happen with proxy repository. Only with hosted repository.

I hope that helps or gives some clues...

mkristian commented 11 years ago

what does gem list -r --verbose produce ? 401 Unauthorized ? that output also shows the complete request the gem command uses.

yes - I will see if I can find something on hosted regarding those attributes.

but you say that the browser works - which basically indicates that the server is doing it right but the client does not handle those urls (With credentials) correct.

eehret commented 11 years ago

D:>gem list -r --verbose


HEAD http://@ 304 Not Modified

I omitted the authentication token.

fyi - I have also opened a support ticket with Sonatype to see if someone can help identify why we're getting that recursion problem happening with the hosted repo.

eehret commented 11 years ago

In the browser, this is what I see: snap3 snap1 snap2

mkristian commented 11 years ago

you got 304 NOT MODIFIED which basically means that the local data has the same timestamp then the remote one.

first you can delete cached data with

$ gem sources --clear-all

then I think it is best to remove those permissions and try to get it work without username/password thingy.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

got a PR from tamas about the path recursion - looks like we are a step closer.

eehret commented 11 years ago

Should I try it again?

mkristian commented 11 years ago

yes - please, I just pushed the changes before I read your last message.

mkristian commented 11 years ago

does this work now ?

eehret commented 11 years ago

Yes.. working beautifully now!

Thank you!